Mr. Cunningham comments at Nov. 16,
2010 CVESD board meeting
...Congratulated Board Members Luffborough and
Smith [and, implicitly, himself] on the results of the
Thanked everyone who supported them during
the election...
[Maura Larkins comment:
Wait a minute. This isn't the place for that, Mr.
Cunningham. You do that at your campaign
headquarters, or at some other political or private
event. Or is CVESD the campaign headquarters for
incumbents? When you're at work, you're not
supposed to be playing politics.]
The San Diego Union-Tribune was a good friend to Larry Cunningham and his cronies. It was
odd for the UT to cover the 2004 transfers of five teachers out of Castle Park Elementary,
when it failed to cover lawsuits involving many of these same teachers, lawsuits for which
Pamela Smith authorized the expenditure of $100,000s of taxpayer money.
Larry Cunningham was a good friend to teacher Robin Donlan: he supported Donlan with
hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars, hiding the truth about Donlan's wrongdoing. After
calling the shots for so many years, and having board members like Larry Cunningham
jumping to their tune, the teachers that controlled Castle Park Elementary were out of control.
But since Mr. Cunningham and the other four board members (Patrick Judd, Pam Smith,
Bertha Lopez and Cheryl Cox) were complicit in Donlan's crimes, they could not allow the truth
to be told about what was really going on at Castle Park Elementary. The board's unanimous
decisions pressured employees to perjure themselves in the PERB arbitration regarding the
Castle Park 5 transfers, just as they had in the Maura Larkins lawsuit.
Larry Cunningham
Chula Vista Elementary School District Board Member
The pursuit of political power at the expense of education at CVESD is exposed in
the Ana Stover v. CVESD lawsuit, which was triggered by Pamela Smith's election
campaign. Ana Stover was in line to be superintendent of Chula Vista Elementary School
District, but was illegally and maliciously sabotaged because she supported Russell
Coronado instead of Pamela Smith in a school board election. Board member and Pamela
Smith ally Bertha Lopez played a role in bringing election politics into the CVESD district
This case was fought by attorney Daniel Shinoff, but was eventually settled privately. Russell
Coronado eventually won a seat on the board by defeating Pamela Smith crony Pat Judd.
Does Larry play politics with personnel?
Shouldn't Larry recuse
himself from teacher salary
decisions since his wife,
Jan, teaches in the district
(second grade at Olympic
Nov. 23, 2011 PERB decision shows Larry Cunningham had no
problem with CVESD's violation of law:
"In addition to all of the above circumstantial evidence of unlawful motive, there is
also direct evidence of unlawful motive in the statements made by
[Larry]Cunningham...If Cunningham had been misquoted or misunderstood, the
District could have called him to testify; indeed, the record was left open for that very
purpose. But the District did nothing."
--from Joyce Abrams v. CVESD
San Diego Education Report
San Diego
Education Report