An Open Letter to Cheryl Cox about Gaylord
Developers and Cheryl's Allegation of Blackmail
July 8, 2007
Dear Cheryl:

It was odd that you accused the unions of blackmail regarding the Gaylord
project that failed in Chula Vista. Whatever did you mean when you talked
about blackmail on TV on January 6, 2007?

Here's how Merriam-Webster defines blackmail:
"Extortion or coercion by threats especially of public exposure or criminal

Now Cheryl, did the unions do that? Does Gaylord (or you?) have a dirty
secret that the unions threatened to expose? Isn't it really that you are
blackmailing the unions by blaming them for the deal gone sour, when the
true reasons have to do with envirmonmental problems?

Let me assure you, Cheryl, that if anyone is trying to blackmail you, the
perfect defense against blackmail is to come clean in public, apologize,
repair the harm you’ve done.

You know what I suspect? I suspect you were thinking about me and my
pending lawsuit against you when the word “blackmail” popped out of your
mouth so awkwardly. It’s your guilt that is talking, and your contempt for
the law. You won’t give an inch, you won’t say you’re sorry, you just point
the finger at someone else.

Instead of admitting you broke the law, you charge that someone who talks
about your violations of law in public is “blackmailing” you. But if someone
talks about your secrets PUBLICLY, Cheryl, that means they’re NOT
blackmailing you. Me, for example. I believe that someone as dishonest and
contemptuous of the law as you should not have control over public policy
and public dollars. Of course, you have the option of becoming an honest
person who respects the law. I urge you to do so. Right now you’re not
making a wise choice, Cheryl.

Let’s see, who could really blackmail you? The press! Bonnie Dumanis!
They are keeping your secrets. It sure isn’t me. Why don’t you do the right
thing, and apologize, and come clean about what you and your lawyers did
to Chula Vista Elementary School District and Castle Park Elementary. It
would help taxpayers all over San Diego county. Your lawyer Dan Shinoff
has gone on to cause even more trouble at MiraCosta College than he did at
CVESD. The price tag for his folly was $3 million at MiraCosta.

It was a shame that you couldn’t tell the truth in the "Castle Park Five"
case at CVESD. You wasted tax dollars once again. You forced
Superintendent Lowell Billings to hide the truth about Robin Donlan and her
friends, so you lost. Shame on you for wasting so many hundreds of
thousands tax dollars on multiple criminal cover-ups.

Best regards,
Maura Larkins
San Diego Education Report
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