Chula Vista Mayor Cheryl Cox’s May 28, 2008 memo to City Manager David Garcia is
chock-full of pettiness and hypocrisy. Her directives make no sense, except as an effort
to harass Mr. Garcia:

Cheryl Cox: “Do not use your personal laptop in your office.”

This is nitpicking, overbearing interference. Cox sounds like she’s reverted to her days
as an elementary school teacher. But was she that unreasonable when dealing with
children? Show some respect, Mrs. Cox.

Cheryl Cox: “While we appreciate that you often work long hours and you are
entitled to take time off, this time off should primarily be spent out of the office.”

That directive is harmful to the City of Chula Vista, Ms. Cox. When the City Manager
spends time in the office when he could rightfully be on the beach, he is available to deal
with emergencies and routine questions and issues that come up, whether from another
employee or a member of the public.


Cheryl Cox: “You are reminded that retaliation against any City employee... is a

Cheryl Cox is a big fan of retaliation, particularly that carried out by the Director of Human
Resources as directed by the public entity’s attorney. As a Chula Vista Elementary
School District board member, she violated California Labor Code 1105.2 by
firing an
employee for filing grievances and a lawsuit.

Cheryl Cox: “However, you should understand that your failure to abide by [the
rules]… may result in the termination of your employment.”

If Cheryl Cox were held responsible for her violations of the laws of California, she’d be
out of a job. Yet she wants to fire the City Manager for using his personal laptop
computer in his office?

Cheryl Cox:  “We share your hope that these steps will bring these matters to a

I don’t believe Cheryl is telling the truth here. I think she wants to fire Garcia because he’
s too honest and open, two traits she neither shares nor approves of. It seems Cheryl
wants to replace a laptop with a lapdog.
Former CVESD school board member Cheryl Cox and her lawyers
keep playing the same old games
No laptops, just lapdogs
Chula Vista School Board Member/ Mayor Cheryl Cox
These are the strategies that Cheryl Cox did NOT use as a board member at
Chula Vista Elementary School District, and obviously isn't doing as mayor of
the City of Chula Vista:
overcoming the dysfunctions of a team.
Here's what Cheryl Cox had to say about
David Garcia at her state of the city address
on May  2007:

"Last month, the City Council
selected David Garcia as our permanent City
Manager. While we searched for a top
executive, Interim City Manager Jim Thomson
gave us the benefit of his long and
distinguished career in local government.
Please stand, David, and allow us to welcome
Please stand, Jim. We thank you from the
bottom of our hearts."
Community unites
against peaker
electric power plant

By Pablo Jaime Sáinz
La Prensa San Diego
September 19, 2008

Residents of southwest Chula
Vista protested against a proposed
peaker electric power plant in their
community during a luncheon
where Mayor Cheryl Cox was
scheduled to receive a recognition.

There were about 40 protesters on
Wednesday, September 17, in
front of the San Diego Country
Club in Chula Vista, including
many children and seniors, most of
which live within 350 feet of the
proposed MMC Energy Plant,
which would be built at the end of
Albany St. to replace the current,
smaller plant at the corner of
Harvest and Otay Mesa Rd.

Protesters are against the Chula
Vista City Council’s agreement with
MMC where the company agrees
to pay the city $210,000 in
exchange for allowing it to expand
the power plant.

The residents said their health is
at risk with the proposed
construction of the peaker electric
power plant in the middle of the

“We want to make it clear that it is
the City Council’s responsibility to
protect its citizens,” said Theresa
Acerro, president of the Southwest
Chula Vista Civic Association, the
group organizing the protest. “By
allowing MMC to build this plant,
the council is not doing its job. This
is a civil rights injustice. Our City
Council is failing all of these
children. We’re outraged by this. It’
s insulting.”

According to the Southwest Chula
Vista Civic Association, the new
power plant would be 350 feet from
homes, 1,300 feet from Otay
Elementary School, and 1,200 feet
from Otay Recreational Center.

Among the health risks for
residents especially children and
seniors, are poor air-quality,
pollution, asthma, and even cancer.

“Historically, the city has dumped
all the toxics to southwest Chula
Vista because they’re always
taking advantage of low-income
families of color,” said Diana Vera,
who has lived in the area since she
was 11 years old...

Acerro said that the Southwest
Chula Vista Civic Association has
more than 2,000 signatures of
residents opposing the
construction of the power plant.

During the protest, residents
were chanting slogans such as
“Recall Cox!” “Justice now!”
and “Bruja Cox!” ...

[Maura Larkins' note: This last
accusation is unfair.  Cox is
actually more of a witch-hunter
than a witch.  Please, let's not
be like her.]

Letters issued in August to the
California Energy Commission
show the city dropping objections
to the MMC power plant expansion.

Letters acquired by La Prensa San
Diego detail an agreement
between MMC and the City of
Chula Vista which includes
payment of $210,000 by MMC to
the city.

Harry Scarborough, vice-president
of MMC Energy Inc, in a letter to
the California Energy Commission
states: “We believe that the City
will find that the Project is in
harmony with and therefore,
consistent with the City’s General

But Chula Vista Council-ember
Rudy Ramirez addressed the
crowd during an August protest in
front of the City Council Chambers
and told them he is against the
expansion of the power plant
because the proposal contradicts
the General Plan, which states that
energy facilities should hot be
within 1,000 feet of sensitive

“The power plant is still over 100
percent larger and will increase
pollution in the neighborhood, is
too close to homes and schools,
and is in direct violation of the City’
s general plan. The terms of this
new ‘agreement’ do not represent
any improvements to the project,”
Acerro said. “From all
appearances, it looks as if the
Council has sold out our
community health for $210,000.
Our health is not for sale.”...

More information: www.

Click here for Google's cache of
Residents angry at
Cheryl Cox regarding
power plant
Cheryl Cox Games
Cheryl Cox, lobbyist

Chula Vista's Yellow Brick Road
By Susan Luzzaro
The San Diego Reader
Aug. 23, 2007

"...The last stop for the Riverwalk project is the
Chula Vista City Council and Mayor Cheryl Cox.
Mayor Cox is familiar with this contested piece of
land. In 1994, her husband, county supervisor
Greg Cox, who was a lobbyist at the time, brought
to the City and northwest Chula Vista a proposal to
build the Family Fun Center project on the land.
Later, residents recall Cheryl Cox, as lobbyist,
touting the virtues of the Family Fun Center,
replete with water bumper boats, go-karts,
miniature golf courses, and a lighted parking lot for
280 vehicles.

"Ostrem donated the maximum allowable amount
to Cheryl Cox's 2006 mayoral campaign, and the
Reader reported that right before the election, on
October 13, 2006, Yokohl Ranch gave $4000 to
the GOP's Lincoln Club. Four days later, the club
paid $7245 for a poll in support of Cheryl Cox for
mayor. Perhaps coincidence, perhaps a show of
confidence, Ostrem e-mailed community
development specialist Hines on November 8,
2006, the day after the election, to advise her that
he was applying for the general plan amendment.
"Subject: Deposits on the way." In the e-mail he
stated: "I meant to tell you that the application with
check should be to you today."

"Prior to Mayor Cox's election, a U-T editorial
posed a question that time will answer: "Certainly,
former council members have left office and
become paid lobbyists, or 'governmental relations
representatives.' But, to go from lobbyist to

"But there are bigger questions. Can Chula Vista
wean itself from its unhealthy dependence on
developer dollars? Can projects be made with
residents rather than developers in mind? And on
any given day, who is working for the citizens of
Chula Vista?"
Recall Cheryl
November 2008
Cheryl Cox
appears to undergo a bizarre change in her basic
values on behalf of chief of staff Dan Foster
Dan Foster documents
Mayor Cox Cozy with Chula Vista Developer
By Susan Luzzaro
San Diego Reader
Nov. 25, 2012

Although the Chula Vista Redevelopment Corporation has come to an end, the legacy
of a past redevelopment project continues to play out.

In June of 2011, the U-T published an online story titled “City-subsidized building in
Chula Vista faces foreclosure.” The building in question, Gateway II, is an office
complex located on H Street in Chula Vista. A November 22, 2012, Daily Transcript
article confirmed the building was foreclosed upon last year.

In 2004, as the project was coming to fruition, the Daily Transcript described it this
way: “Phase II of Gateway Chula Vista, the $80 million, multiuse commercial office and
retail complex and the epicenter of a redevelopment renaissance, is under way in the
city's central business corridor. Scheduled for completion in August 2005, Gateway
Chula Vista's Phase II marks the continuation of something great happening in Chula

The project developer was Jim Pieri.

The 2011 U-T article that first broached the possibility of foreclosure provided
additional insight into Gateway II’s curious financial history. Reporter Wendy Fry wrote,
“During the past decade, Chula Vista has drastically scaled back services. Meanwhile,
it has paid developer Jim Pieri some $2.2 million in redevelopment funds for the mid-
rise, upscale office building near Third Avenue and H Street, and a total of $5 million
for the entire Gateway development.

“The city hoped to recoup those subsidies by capturing an incremental increase in
property-tax revenue at the site. Instead, Pieri has defaulted on the loan, according to
an April 29 [2011] San Diego County Recorder document.”

Fry added: “In April, Mayor Cheryl Cox signed an amendment to the development
agreement that changed limited liability ownership of the property.”

Cox and Pieri are longtime political allies and in 2002 founded a group called the
Chula Vista Urban Development Corporation. Pieri’s online biography describes the
corporation as “instrumental in formation of a center city development corporation for
the city of Chula Vista known as the CVRC.”...
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