San Diego Education Report
PERB General Counsel Robert Thompson began working for PERB in
1980 as a Legal Adviser to then Chair Harry Gluck. He has also worked
as a Regional Attorney and was the Deputy General Counsel from 1988
until his appointment as General Counsel on December 7, 2001.

He received a Bachelor of Sciences degree in Chemical Engineering from
Northwestern University and is a member of the Executive Committee of
the Labor and Employment Law Section of the State Bar of California.
Elections Conducted: 2001 - 2002
No Representation
M. Suzanne Murphy, General counsel May 2011

Tami R. Bogert, General counsel  May 2007-2009
Wendi Ross, Deputy General Counsel
SD Education Rprt Blog

Why This Website



Castle Park Elem

Law Enforcement



Stutz Artiano Shinoff

Silence is Golden

Schools and Violence

Office Admin Hearings

Larkins OAH Hearing
Public Employee
Relations Board


PERB cases 2008

Did CVESD Violate EERA?
PERB's Robert Thompson worked with CTA's Beverly Tucker on the
Turlock case.
San Diego Education Report
San Diego
Education Report
The Turlock case

The Turlock case was
about CTA members
wearing buttons in the
classroom to campaign
against the efforts of
teachers to have
another union replace
in the Turlock School

The administrative law
judge at the Public
Employees Relations
Board (PERB) ruled
against the teachers. The
judge's decision was
clearly correct, since the
California Court of Appeal
had decided the question
of campaign buttons in the
classroom in a case from
San Diego. But the PERB
board overruled its own
judge. When Turlock
School District appealed,
Bob Thompson, general
counsel at PERB joined
with CTA head lawyer
Beverly Tucker to fight the
appeal. They lost.

But Bob Thompson and
Beverly Tucker did
prove that they care
more about the power
of those who control
CTA than they care
about the taxpayers or
children of California.

How did they prove this?
They used tax dollars to
fight this self-serving
lawsuit during the 2003
budget crisis in California.

Bev and Bob lost; the
decision is HERE. So
what did they do then?
They appealed to the state
supreme court and lost
again. These are truly
vexatious litigants.]
PERB and public entities
Public Entities and the press (list of
Public Entities protected by the
Former general counsel Bob Thompson (at PERB 1980-2006)
A Tribute to Bernard McMonigle
California PERB blog
Tim Yeung
September 7, 2010

I was greatly saddened today to learn that
Chief Administrative Law Judge
Bernard McMonigle
passed away this weekend. Bernie was both a friend and
mentor to me at PERB. I first met Bernie when he was a Regional Attorney at PERB
and I was an attorney at the Department of Personnel Administration. I later had
the pleasure to appear before him when he was an Administrative Law Judge and
was working at PERB he when was promoted to Chief ALJ.

Bernie was a great attorney and ALJ. He knew the law, but more importantly he
understood the realities of the workplace.  You could also be assured that you
would get a fair hearing in front of him.  Because of that, he was greatly respected
by both unions and management.

One my fondest memories of Bernie doesn’t involve PERB; but rather seeing him
regularly at the Gym. He and
Bob Thompson, PERB’s former General
were religious about going to the gym everyday at lunch. Even when he
turned 50 years old, Bernie could still bench press 225 lbs, six times – a fact that
he took great pride in taunting me over …
He seems to have disappeared.  Where are you, Bob?

His disappearance happened right after
my cases were finished.  
Interestingly, at the same time PERB dropped its policy of allowed
CTA to
fie secret response to complaints against it.  Bob was very closely allied to
CTA; he seemed to find it impossible to administer the law fairly when CTA
was involved.
Different Robert Thompsons:

Robert Wallace Thompson - #100368
Bar Number:        100368                  
Dept of Soc Svcs Legal Div
744 P St Ms 4 161
Sacramento, CA 95814
Map it        Phone Number:        (916) 657-3138
County:        Sacramento
Undergraduate School:         Univ of California Davis; Davis CA
District:         District 3                  
Law School:        Santa Clara Univ SOL; Santa Clara CA

Present        Active
9/10/1987        Active          
1/1/1987        Inactive          
12/1/1981        Admitted to The State Bar of California
New York University School of Law
Santa Clara University - Leavey School of Business
Santa Clara University School of Law
University of California, Davis
California Department of Social Services
Attorney at Dept. of Social Services, Continuing Care Branch
Sacramento, California Area Government Administration
Attorney at Dept. of Social Services, Continuing Care Branch
Dept. of Social Services, Continuing Care Branch
1990 – Present (22 years)

Robert George Thompson Jr - #88172
Current Status:          Inactive
This member is inactive, but is eligible to become active.
Bar Number:        88172                  
Address:         2613 14th St
Sacramento, CA 95818        Phone Number:        (916) 446-1480
Fax Number:         (916) 446-1480
e-mail:        Not Available
County:        Sacramento
Undergraduate School:         Northwestern Univ; Evanston IL
District:         District 3                  
Sections:         None        Law School:        No Information Available;

Present        Inactive
1/2/2008        Inactive          
11/29/1979        Admitted to The State Bar of California

Robert Martin Thompson - #58477

Current Status:          Active
Bar Number:        58477                  
Jacobsen & McElroy
2401 American River Dr Ste 100
Sacramento, CA 95825
Map it        Phone Number:        (916) 971-4100
Fax Number:         (916) 971-4150
County:        Sacramento
Undergraduate School:         Univ of California Davis; Davis CA
District:         District 3                  
Sections:         None        Law School:        U of San Francisco SOL; San Francisco

Effective Date        Status Change
Present        Active
12/17/1973        Admitted to The State Bar of California
Robin Wesley  
Administrative law judge
Member of PERB board July 2007-2010
Acting General counsel PERB July 2006
1983-1991 worked in Gov. Dukmejian's office
1978-1983 worked in Dave Kelley's office
Education: Wellesley and McGeorge School of Law
A. Eugene Huguenin

Prior to his appointment, Huguenin practiced labor, employment and education law in
the Sacramento-area. He advised and represented public employees and their
organizations in judicial and administrative proceedings, and consulted on educational
policy and procedures. From 2005 to 2009, he served as a commissioner on the Fair
Political Practices Commission.

Before relocating to Sacramento in 2000, Huguenin practiced labor and education law
in Los Angeles and Burlingame for more than 20 years, advising and representing the
California Teachers Association and it’s locals throughout the state. From 1973 to
1979, Huguenin consulted for CTA on labor relations issues. Prior to joining CTA, he
was employed in the Seattle area by a local teachers association and a national
accounting firm.

Huguenin is a member of the California Association of Political Attorneys, the Los
Angeles County Bar Association, the State Bar of California and the American Bar
Association. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in 1966, and
a Juris Doctor in 1969, from the University of Washington.

[July 23, 2012, Priscilla Winslow of CTA was appointed Legal
Advisor to Mr. Hugeunin.  At the same time, she was
Assistant Executive Director of
Public Employment Relations Board (PERB)
PERB Board 2013:
Anita I. Martinez
Chair, Public Employment Relations Board

Anita I. Martinez has been employed with PERB since 1976 and was recently
appointed Member and Chair. Prior to that she has served as the PERB San
Francisco Regional Director since 1982. Her duties included supervision of the
regional office, investigation of representation cases and unfair practice charges,
and the conduct of settlement conferences, representation hearings, and elections.
Before joining PERB, Ms. Martinez worked for the National Labor Relations Board in
San Francisco and the Agricultural Labor Relations Board in Sacramento and
Salinas. A contributing author of the Matthew Bender treatise, California Public
Sector Labor Relations, she has also addressed management and employee
organization groups regarding labor relations issues. A San Francisco native, Ms.
Martinez received her B.A. from the University of San Francisco.
Alice Dowdin Calvillo--term ended 2013

Appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in January 2008, and with more than 20 years of
experience working in State and local. Since 2005, Alice served in a variety of senior level
advisory positions to Governor Schwarzenegger, including as Chief Deputy Cabinet Secretary
and Chief Deputy Appointments Secretary. Before joining the Governor's Office, she was the
Governor's Legislative Director for the Department of Toxic Substances Control.

Governor Pete Wilson appointed Alice as a Chief Advisor to the California Integrated Waste
Management Board in early 1998 and prior to that she was his appointment as Deputy Director
of Legislation and Operations for the Managed Health Care Improvement Task Force. Alice also
served as the Chief Consultant to the California State Assembly Consumer Protection,
Governmental Efficiency and Economic Development Committee in the mid 1990s. Before
joining the Assembly staff, Alice served in a variety of senior analytical positions within State

Alice was a member of the Auburn City Council from 1998-2005 and served as Mayor in 2001
and 2005. During her tenure on the City Council, Alice was the Chair of the Placer County
Economic Development Board, on the Board of Directors for the Sacramento Area Council of
Governments and the Local Agency Formation Commission for Placer County, and was a
member of the Sacramento Region Advisory Board for the Great Valley Center.

The Placer County Board of Supervisors appointed Alice as the District 3 representative on the
Placer County Parks Commission in 1997, where she served as its Chair in 1999 and 2000.

Alice obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science-Public Service and in German from the
University of California, Davis. She is married to Captain Frank Calvillo, ret. United State Marine
Corps and the couple are the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl.
PERB Chair Martinez and Member Huguenin Confirmed by Senate
Apr 6, 2012 – PERB Chair Martinez and Member Huguenin Confirmed by Senate.
PERB Down to 3 Members | California PERB Blog
Mar 7, 2012
February 29th was the last day of Board member Sally McKeag's term.
In five years (2006 to 2011) PERB changed its general
counsel three times!
Court Finds Employee Letter
Protected; Overturns PERB
California PERB Blog
Tim Yeung
January 6, 2009

California Teachers Association
v. Public Employment Relations
(Journey Charter School)
(2008) __ Cal.App.4th __ (Issued
on 1/5/09)

CTA appealed the Board’s decision
in Journey Charter School (2008)
PERB Decision No. 1945-E. The
underlying unfair practice alleged
that Journey Charter School
(school) terminated the employment
of three teachers in retaliation for
their organizing efforts. The
Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)
sustained the allegations. The
Board rejected the ALJ’s proposed
decision and instead found that that
the teachers were not terminated
for their organizing efforts, but
rather for a letter they sent to the
parents of children at the school
complaining about the “political
climate” and the school’s direction.
The Board found that the letter was
not protected activity. Because
writing and disseminating the letter
was not protected activity, the
Board found that it was not unlawful
for the school to have terminated
the teachers.

The court of appeal reversed the
Board’s decision. Citing to
California Faculty Assn. v. Public
Employment Relations Bd. (2008)
160 Cal.App.4th 609—another
recent case where a PERB decision
was overturned—the court found
that the Board’s decision was
inconsistent with its own precedent.
Specifically, the court found that the
prior decisions cited by the Board to
support its decision were
distinguishable. Further, the court
found that the Board’s precedential
decision in Mt. San Antonio
Community College District (1982)
PERB Decision No. 224 actually
required the Board to make the
opposite finding—that the letter by
the teachers was protected activity.
After discussing the cases cited by
PERB and reviewing Mt. San
Antonio, the court concluded:

“Because PERB’s analysis of this
July 26 letter in this case cannot be
reconciled with its own precedent in
Mt. San Antonio, we conclude its
determination that the
dissemination of the letter does not
qualify as protected conduct was
clearly erroneous and thus that its
order dismissing the complaint must
be reversed.”

SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments.

...Priscilla Winslow, 60, of Berkeley, has been appointed to the
California Public Employment Relations Board, where she has served
as legal advisor since 2012

She was assistant chief counsel at the California Teachers Association from 1996 to 2012.
Winslow was managing partner at the Law Offices of Winslow and Fassler from 1988 to 1996 and
was solo practitioner at the Law Offices of Priscilla Winslow from 1986 to 1988. She was an
adjunct professor at New College of California from 1984 to 1993 and was associate attorney at
Boltuch and Siegel from 1984 to 1986.

Winslow served as a temporary staff attorney at the California Teachers Association from 1983 to
1984 and was l
egal advisor to the chair of the California Public Employment Relations Board
from 1979 to 1983.
She was staff counsel for the National Treasury Employees Union from 1978 to
1979 and chief counsel for the Clerical and Allied Services Employees Union from 1977 to 1978.
Winslow is a member of the American Constitution Society and the Labor and Employment Law
Section of the State Bar.

She earned a Juris Doctorate degree from the University of California, Davis School of Law. This
position requires Senate confirmation and the
compensation is $128,109. Winslow is a Democrat.

...Eric Banks, 41, of San Diego, has been appointed to the California Public Employment Relations
Board. Banks has been partner at TenPageMemo LLC since 2013. He served in multiple positions
at the Service Employees International Union, Local 221 from 2001 to 2013, including advisor,
president and director of government and community relations. Banks was policy associate for
state government affairs at the New York AIDS Coalition from 2000 to 2001. He worked in multiple
positions at the Southern Tier AIDS Program from 1993 to 2000, including director of client
services, assistant director of client services and case manager. This position requires Senate
confirmation and the compensation is $128,109. Banks is a Democrat...
Priscilla Winslow seems to have pushed Emma Leheny to quit as CTA chief
counsel in 2012
JANUARY 27, 2013
Priscilla Winslow, CTA acting chief counsel and assistant executive director,
protected child molesting teacher to a far greater degree than required by
Priscilla Winslow
Eric Banks
Anita I. Martinez
A. Eugene Huguenin
SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments

...Eric Banks, 41, of San Diego, has been appointed to the California Public
Employment Relations Board. Banks has been partner at TenPageMemo LLC since
2013. He served in multiple positions at the Service Employees International Union,
Local 221 from 2001 to 2013, including advisor, president and director of government
and community relations. Banks was policy associate for state government affairs at the
New York AIDS Coalition from 2000 to 2001. He worked in multiple positions at the
Southern Tier AIDS Program from 1993 to 2000, including director of client services,
assistant director of client services and case manager. This position requires Senate
confirmation and the compensation is $128,109. Banks is a Democrat...
Priscilla Winslow
Eric Banks
Anita I. Martinez
A. Eugene Huguenin
Former board members
Governor Brown Announces Appointments
Imperial Valley News        
7 February 2018

Erich W. Shiners, 48, of Galt, has been appointed to the California Public
Employment Relations Board, where he was a legal advisor from 2008 to 2011.
Shiners has been senior counsel at Liebert Cassidy Whitmore [a
law firm that represents school districts] since 2017
. He was a
partner at Renne Sloan Holtzman Sakai LLP from 2015 to 2017, where he was
senior counsel from 2013 to 2015 and an associate from 2011 to 2013 and from
2006 to 2008. Shiners was a law clerk at Weinberg, Roger and Rosenfeld in 2006
and a judicial extern for the Honorable M.Kathleen Butz at the Third District Court
of Appeal in 2005. He was a summer law clerk at the National Labor Relations
Board in 2005 and at the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board in 2004.
Shiners is a member of the California Lawyers Association, Sacramento County
Bar Association and the American Bar Association. He earned a Juris Doctor
degree from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. This position
requires Senate confirmation and the compensation is $147,778. Shiners is
registered Green Party.

Priscilla S. Winslow, 65, of Berkeley, has been reappointed
to the California Public Employment Relations Board,
where she has served since 2013 and served as legal
advisor from 2012 to 2013 and from 1979 to 1983. Winslow
served as assistant chief counsel for the California
Teachers Association from 1996 to 2012, where she was a
staff attorney from 1983 to 1984.
She was managing partner at the
Law Offices of Priscilla S. Winslow from 1986 to 1996 and an adjunct professor at
the New College of California School of Law from 1984 to 1993. Winslow was an
associate at Boltuch and Siegel from1984 to 1986. She is member of the
American Constitution Society. Winslow earned a Juris Doctor degree from the
University of California, Davis School of Law. This position requires Senate
confirmation and the compensation is $147,778. Winslow is a Democrat.
News, information and ideas about our
education system
by Maura Larkins
PERB Board March 2018:
Mark Gregersen, Chair
Eric Banks
Priscilla Winslow
Erich W. Shiners, to be confirmed