Thank Heaven for
Insurance Companies blog
Kaiser department rankings

Cancer score card

Cardiology score card
Kaiser Permanente executives

Retaliation by Kaiser
Missing Medical Records
Warnings deleted from
abnormal test results
Kaiser conflicts of interest
San Diego
Education Report
Kaiser fails to diagnose
Kaiser employees
Kaiser Permanente

Kaiser Permanente executives

Urology score card: x-rays on
thermal paper, missing x-rays
Comparison San Diego  hospitals

Kaiser: missing x-rays, x-rays
stored only on thermal paper
Kaiser arbitration

Kaiser peer review
Kaiser writers including Paul
Remediating failure to diagnose
Press Release
July 13, 2009
Molly Jarrell
Mary Ann Barnes has
been named as the new
senior vice president and
executive director for
Kaiser Permanente
Health Plan and Hospitals
in San Diego County,
including Kaiser
Permanente's 392-bed
hospital, 20 outpatient
medical facilities, and
more than 7,800
employees and
physicians. Kaiser
Permanente in San Diego
cares for nearly 500,000
members – about one in
every six people who
reside in San Diego
County.  Barnes joins Area
Medical Director Paul E.
Bernstein, MD, and
Medical Group
Administrator, James G.
Malone, as a member of
Kaiser Permanente's
executive leadership team,
to ensure continued
access to convenient,
quality, and affordable
health care throughout the
county.  With an innovative
leadership style, Barnes is
focused on integration,
collaboration and
emphasis on improving
care and access are well-
suited for the San Diego
health care market.
Barnes brings more than
35 years of medical and
leadership expertise to her
new role.

In 1974, Barnes joined
Kaiser Permanente as a
staff nurse
in San Diego
and has held positions of
progressive responsibility
within Kaiser
Permanente's Southern
and Northern California
regions since that time. In
most recent position
as senior vice president
and area manager of
Kaiser Permanente's
Santa Clara Service Area,

Barnes led health plan
and hospital operations for
Santa Clara, including the
opening of the new Santa
Clara Medical Center in
August 2007. From 2000
to 2006,
she served as
the medical group
administrator for the Los
Angeles Medical Center

and associated medical
offices in East Los
Angeles, Glendale and
Pasadena, serving more
than 260,000 members.
Prior to that,
served as medical group
administrator for the
West Los Angeles
Medical Center,
she oversaw an annual
operating budget of $124
million as well as 1,200
employees and 210
physicians.  Barnes
earned her
Bachelor of
Science in Nursing from
Arizona State Universit
and her Master of Science
in Nursing from
San Diego
State University
. She also
attended Harvard
Business School's
Executive Leadership
Program, and Stanford
University, Executive
Business Program. She
most recently served on
Board of Directors of
the Mission City Fund
Board, JW House and as
a member of the Silicon
Valley Leadership Group.

Barnes succeeds
Nathaniel L. Oubré, Jr.,

San Diego's senior vice
president and executive
director for the past seven
years. Oubré recently
accepted the position of
senior vice president and
area manager for the East
Bay Area in Kaiser
Permanente’s Northern
California Region.

About Kaiser
Permanente:   Kaiser
Permanente is America's
leading integrated health
plan. Founded in 1945,
Kaiser Permanente is
composed of the nonprofit
Kaiser Foundation Health
Plan, the nonprofit Kaiser
Foundation Hospitals, and
the for-profit Permanente
Medial Groups. A group
practice prepayment
program headquartered in
Oakland, Calif., Kaiser
Permanente began
serving San Diego in
1967, and currently
provides care for
500,000 members
throughout the county.

More than
7,000 staff and
830 physicians care for
our members at 20
medical facilities a
nd at
Kaiser Permanente's San
Diego Medical Center. The
medical center has 392
licensed beds and a 56-
bed emergency
department. To learn
more, visit
Mary Ann Barnes
named in July 2009
Executive Director, Senior Vice President
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and
Hospitals in San Diego County
4647 Zion Ave.
San Diego, CA 92120
Barnes succeeds Nathaniel L. Oubré, Jr. who has gone on to greater things
in Oakland.
Kaiser Permanente Names New Senior Vice President and
Executive Director for San Diego
Mary Ann Barnes
July 13, 2009
Kaiser Permanente Senior
Vice President and
Executive Director
Kaiser Foundation Health
Plan and Hospitals in San
Diego County
Kaiser is a very
structured organization;
no ability for doctors or
managers to think

Kaiser Permanente
Anonymous in South San
Francisco, CA:   (Current
“very positive”


Well structured and
organized institution. Kaiser
takes care of their employees
very pro-active in job
compensation package.


This organization does not
allow for much flexibility
within specific job duties.
If you enjoy independence
and less structured
environment this company
is not for you.

Advice to Senior Management

Leadership is well
structured and follows a
specific format.
management is very
supportive for new hires and
on- going training.
Toward Total Health

By Mary Ann Barnes
Many know the name Kaiser
its tradition of quality
health care goes
back more than 60 years. But
what people may
not know is how
we are different
than other
health care providers,
or why we are so passionate
about what we do.
It’s simple.
Our uniqueness comes from our
ability to integrate the elements of
health care—physicians, medical
hospitals and insurance—into
one coherent whole. Our power
lies in
our ability to put people and
together in ways that enable
Permanente to achieve more and
provide better service than would
possible working in a typical
care system in which hospitals,
and insurance companies often
compete for resources.
Our passion comes from 60 years
of providing high quality,
care that is convenient and easy
use. At Kaiser Permanente, our
good health is at the center of
all that we do. And good health
with prevention.
Kaiser Permanente advocates
taking an active role in improving
one’s own health. Our
health education and wellness
programs offer members a full
of classes and support groups to
help them lead a healthy lifestyle,
prevent illness, prepare for a
procedure, learn about managing
their chronic conditions and
their best possible health. By
prevention and wellness, and
by providing easy access to
improvement programs,
and decision support tools, Kaiser
Permanente creates the
necessary for members to more
participate in their own total
Cutting-edge technology in
diagnostics and treatment is
key component to ensuring its
members’ health. To that end,
Permanente has invested more
$4 billion nationwide in Kaiser
HealthConnect, which links
electronic clinical and business
appointment scheduling, lab
results, research, pharmacy and
an interactive patient Web site,, to provide the most
integrated health information
system available.

Using KP HealthConnect,
have instant access to vital
medical and patient information,
reminding them when tests,
and screenings are due,
and identifying patients at risk for
or with specific conditions. At the
same time, members have
access to
secure online test results,
programs, appointments,
refills and disease management
programs. Members also have the
ability to e-mail their medical
resulting in faster service,
fewer office visits and lower out-
of-pocket costs.

All in all, KP HealthConnect
brings together the knowledge,
and medical excellence that
have made Kaiser Permanente
the nation’s largest private
sector, nonprofit
health care system.
Kaiser Permanente is also
to health care market demands
with innovative products, tiered
benefit plans and consumer-
directed health plans aimed at
lowering the
cost of health care for San Diego
businesses and their employees.
Options include the latest in high-
plans that can be paired with
Health Savings Accounts and
Health Reimbursement

These two products
vary in how they are funded, tax
implications and portability, but
both offer lower premiums and a
way to get employees more
involved in decisions
about their health.

Kaiser Permanente is an
that works constantly to elevate
the state of health care with
products, services and clinical
advancements. Our vision of the
future remains focused on
the total health of its members
and the communities it serves.
At Kaiser Permanente, we believe
the job is never done, and we are
committed to continuously
improving the
work that we do and the care we
provide– striving for industry
leading performance in
affordability, service and quality.

An advertorial submitted by Kaiser
Permanente. Mary Ann Barnes,
is senior vice president and
executive director
for Kaiser Permanente San Diego.
For more information, please visit
"...We say yes to our customers, we say yes to our patients, and
we say
yes to each other, to do the right thing..."
--Mary Anne Barnes in
Daily Transcript video
Patients thrive under care of Kaiser executive director
By JILL ESTERBROOKS, Special to the Daily Transcript
June 17, 2010

Kaiser Permanente Executive Director Mary Ann Barnes is known as the “yes gal” by
the more than 7,000 staff members, 830 physicians and nearly 500,000 members of
the San Diego County health plan...
[Maura Larkins comment: I think of her as the
"NO gal."]
Union Pickets Kaiser Hospital In San Diego
September 21, 2011
By Erik Anderson

Health-care workers picketed Kaiser Permanente's Zion Avenue hospital in San Diego
yesterday. It is part of a two day walkout aimed at restarting contract talks.

SAN DIEGO — Red shirts and picket signs greeted San Diego drivers on Zion Avenue.
About 200 National Union of Healthcare Workers walked off the job Wednesday to bring
attention to their stalled contract talks. Union workers want to protect their health care
and pensions, and they want to make sure there are enough people to do the work.
Mark Winterman, who works with Kaiser patients struggling with addiction, said the
health-care provider is addicted to money.

"It's a not-for-profit organization, but they're making profits and they're turning
them back into salaries and into buildings and not to the service providers
who are giving the patients what they need," said Winterman.

Kaiser officials said the hospital remains open and patient care shouldn't be

200 Kaiser Employees Strike In San Diego

Aired 9/21/11

Joining us on Midday Edition today, Mary Ann Barnes, Senior Vice President
and Executive Director at Kaiser Permanente, San Diego and Jim Clifford,
therapist at Kaiser Permanente, San Diego.

"We want to be a great place for people to work," said Mary Ann Barnes, senior vice-
president at Kaiser Permanente. "We know we have to be very competitive on salary
and benefits. And we put a proposal together and we would like to have some
discussions around that proposal so that we can end this dispute."

The strikers will be welcomed back when there strike ends on Friday, said Barnes.
Union workers held a one day strike in May, but that did little to resolve the dispute.
Mary Ann Barnes accidentally exposes administrators
who claimed x-rays taken at Garfield Specialty Center
were saved only on thermal paper
by Maura Larkins

Mary Ann Barnes is learning that
sometimes doing the right thing requires saying
yes to customers and saying no to each other (see quote above about saying
 Kaiser Permanente tends to say no to patients when they interfere with
Kaiser Permananete's profit margins.  Kaiser employees know they must support
the organization at any cost.  And that's exactly what they were trying to do when
claimed x-rays had never been digitized, and had been saved only on
thermal paper.

Those administrators can't be too happy about the October 2011 Partners in
Health e-newsletter in which  Mary Anne Barnes boasts about all the modern
conveniences at the Garfield Specialty Center.  

Click here for Kaiser's webpage with the article.  

In case Kaiser erases it, I've scanned a printout of the
Blog: Kaiser Permanente
Kaiser Permanente links
(See end of page for the statement that unintentionally
reveals that Kaiser concealed digitized x-rays.  Kaiser also
falsified a medical report to cover up mistakes by doctors.)
Here's the statement written by Member Services (headed by Service Area
Assistant Administrator
Liza Zinola Webb).  Sorry, Liza.  I'm afraid Mary Ann
accidentally exposed your subterfuge!

Click here to see the full story of this member complaint.
Kaiser May Face Fine Over Infant’s Death
Hospital Says It Was Human Error
By Karina Rusk
March 12th, 2007

There are new developments following the death of a newborn at a South Bay Kaiser
hospital. Today, we learn that the resulting investigation could jeopardize the hospital’s
Medicare funding and the death could bring about the first fine ever against a hospital
under a new state law.

Last year, Governor Schwarzenegger signed Senate Bill 1312 into law which gives the
state the ability to fine acute care hospitals just like it does nursing homes. That went
into effect January 1 and allows for a fine of $25,000 dollars for each violation. So far
the state has not fined any hospital under this new law, but that could change with the
latest medication error at Kaiser Santa Clara.The seven-week-old baby was born at
Kaiser Santa Clara on January 6th. The little boy remained under hospital care
because of an illness. On February 7th, there was a human error in the pharmacy that
resulted in the wrong dose of a medication given to the baby. He died on February 24th.

Kaiser acknowledged on Friday the mistake was preventable.

Mary Ann Barnes, Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center: “The
policies were in place to cover it, but it was a rare occurrence and thus it
became a human error.”

Glenn Koike is the state health investigator looking into the newborn’s death. Koike is
referring all questions to Sacramento which will not comment on the case until the
investigation is complete.

We do know the error surrounding the baby’s death is egregious enough to warrant
federal review. Federal scrutiny could jeopardize the facility’s Medicare and Medicaid

A report in 2005 by the State Health Department put Kaiser Santa Clara on
similar notice.

The HMO avoided penalties by taking significant steps in November of 2005 to
reduce medication errors. Those actions followed three preventable deaths in
a nine-month period involving medicine — two at the Santa Clara facility and
the death of 21-year-old cancer patient Chris Wibeto at Kaiser Santa Teresa.

We do know the name of the seven-week-old newborn in this case, but we’re not
releasing that to protect the family’s privacy until we can talk with them...
Kaiser Permanente to offer free workshops
By Daily Transcript staff report
Monday, January 16, 2012

Kaiser Permanente will host free Get Healthy San Diego Workshops to the public every
month in 2012 to provide the “latest research, advice and tools for San Diegans to kick-
start a healthy lifestyle,” the health care provider said in a Friday release.

“Our goal is to create a healthy San Diego,” said Mary Ann Barnes, senior vice
president and executive director of the San Diego Medical Center. “We are focused on
keeping people healthy and getting them well when they are not.”

Each month, Kaiser Permanente will feature a health-focused topic including weight
management, managing diabetes, women’s issues and heart health.

The first workshop will take place on Jan. 26 at 6 p.m. and will feature New York Times
bestseller, Dr. Mike Moreno, author of “The 17-Day Diet,” the most popular diet in
2011. The first 100 participants will receive a free copy of the best-selling book. For
information on topics, schedule and locations, visit