Chula Vista Elementary School District
San Diego Education Report
Evidence contradicts Ray Artiano's

I would like to know who exactly Ms. Angell is representing at this time.  
Neither CVESD or any of its employees are going to be involved from here on
in. I’ve made it clear that the only DOES I intend to name in this case are
Stutz, Artiano Shinoff & Holtx, because I believe Mr. Shinoff or Ms. Angell
instructed Richard Werlin to obstruct justice.  He wouldn’t have thought up
such a thing on his own.  
This meeting should not be billed to CVESD or it’s insurance carrier.  JPA
might pay for it, but I trust the JPA has reserved the right not to pay if the
lawyers it indemnified are guilty of criminal acts.
It’s taken me years to realize exactly what the relationship is between this law
firm and the public entities who supply it with taxpayer dollars.

The reason I delayed serving this on Stutz Artiano is that I wanted to give them
a chance to do the right thing, and to settle this case, but Mr. Artiano, the
agent for service, is illegally evading service.
When I received notice less than 24 hours ago of this hearing, and papers at
_____, I tried to Ray Artiano, the agent for service for the corporation. When I
asked his secretary if my process server would be able to serve him at his
office, she (Ann) said “This is a law office.  We don’t evade service.”  She said
I could come during office hours and either she would accept service for him
or he might want to come out and accept service himself.  
Then she had to eat her words.
I received a fax saying he insisted on being served personally.
I called and asked if he was in, and I was told he’d be there until five.  
Then a while later I got a call from Ann saying he had just left.

C.  Obstruction of justice causes of action were filed less than one year ago,
and have by no means reached a three year limit.