Petition re Illegal OAH Decision Page 28 |
The illegal decision included the finding: there is no evidence CTA supported Larkins. That's true, but why does that matter? Does CTA make decisions for the OAH? |
The Commission Violated the Rules of Evidence |
The COMMISSION ignored evidence that Mr. Werlin was very hostile to Mrs. Larkins, and that he was given complete authority by the DISTRICT to determine every condition of Petitioner’s employment. The COMMISSION ignored evidence that Mrs. Larkins and any reasonable person would fear to go into a situation as serious and escalating as the one he created for Petitioner. Insubordination is not supported by the evidence nor by the proper construction of the law. There is no evidence that Maura Larkins’s quest for justice was blind, nor that is was based upon a stubborn, unforgiving nature. A quick glance at the overwrought language of the decision, and at Judge Ahler's letters to Commission members, indicates that the judge's quest to "send a message" may have been blinded by a sexual interest in one of the panelists, and that the judge himself has a stubborn, unforgiving nature. The unsigned, undated letter allegedly written by Michelle Scharmach (Exhibit 7), contains hearsay about Petitioner. Mrs. Scharmach did not testify. There is no finding that Petitioner failed to forgive a single action or a single person. One would presume an act must have taken place in order for it to be forgiven. What acts should have been forgiven? False allegations? It can't be that, because the COMMISSION has not found one single allegation to be false, not even the allegation that Petitioner had behaved as if she would kill people. B. THE COMMISSION VIOLATED THE RULES OF EVIDENCE There was clear abuse of discretion by the COMMISSION in accepting and relying on evidence which was hearsay, notes which were prepared long after events and presented as contemporaneous notes, an unsigned and undated letter which was slipped into a back- dated report. The District produced documents in late December 2002 for a January 6, 2003 hearing. Pages were missing: Bate-stamped pages 39 and 55 in particular. There was not time to compel complete production. The district was allowed to cover-up critical evidence. Many, if not most, of the notes produced by Principal Donndelinger were prepared long after the date to which they refer, most likely after the District was sued. Dr. Donndelinger’s notes dated March 26 include the words, “I later tried to call her that evening at home.” The words that evening indicate that these notes were prepared a while later. They should not have been admitted into evidence without some claim of memory impairment and some explanation of why the original notes were not produced for some dates. The “library incident” was reported three months after the fact by Mrs. Scharmach and Ms. Del Galdo. Dr. Donndelinger’s notes about it were prepared long after the report, which occurred long after the alleged “incident.” On these notes, (Exhibit 14, pages 1 and 2). Dr. Donndelinger wrote at the top of the page, “Around 9/21/00.” In the middle of the page she wrote, “About one month later.” On the next page she wrote, “Lynne and Michelle told me before Christmas.” These are obviously notes written long after the incident, and should not have been accepted into evidence. Neither Mrs. Scharmach nor Ms. Del Galdo testified. Mr. Werlin’s and Dr. Donndelinger’s testimony is hearsay. Mrs. Scharmach’s letter about the incident (Exhibit 7) is not acceptable because it is hearsay, it is unsigned, undated and was added to Mr. Werlin’s November 21, 2001 report (Exhibit R-35), and produced after Mrs. Larkins filed suit against the District. Exhibit R-35 is the actual report given to Mrs. Larkins on November 21, 2001. Exhibit 44 is the same report excet it has been revised so as to make a reference to the Scharmach letter, and has been back dated to October 4, 2001 (see page 423 of Court Reporter’s Transcript). Mrs. Scharmach did not testify as to the date or the validity of the letter, nor did she sign it. Mrs. Larkins testified that the real report was Exhibit R35 ( pages 420-423 of Court Reporter’s transcript). It is most likely that this letter was prepared after Petitioner wrote to her saying, “I cannot fault you.” Mrs. Scharmach’ s guilty conscience may have caused her to read it, “I cannot forgive you.” FACTUAL FINDING 28—Invalid—relying on hearsay of hearsay. Mrs. Larkins testified that Kathy Bingham said that Mrs. Larkins might have poisoned food. Mrs. Larkins did not testify to having told a joke to Kathy Bingham. Kathy Bingham did not testify. Maria Beers was not present at either time when Mrs. Bingham or Mrs. Larkins spoke of poisoned food. The COMMISSION is relying on Maria Beers hearsay of some unknown person’s hearsay. Mr. Werlin’s and Dr. Donndelinger’s testimony about events they did not witness, and what others said that someone said, and even what someone said to them, is hearsay. This hearsay should not be relied upon for findings. No hearsay, or hearsay of hearsay, should be relied upon for findings. Petitioner requests that Exhibit 40, a grievance regarding Transfer, pertaining to Article 33 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement be entered as evidence. The Commission chose to rule on this grievance, without the grievance itself being taken into evidence. Also, Petitioner asks that the appropriate Article from Exhibit 6, the Collective Bargaining Agreement, be entered into evidence in order to rule on this grievance. The Commission, in Factual Finding 17, ruled on the facts in Grievances 1 and 2 regarding Employee Discipline (Exhibits 26 and 30). Petitioner asks that Exhibit be taken into evidence. Petitioner asks that Article 38, Employee Discipline, be accepted into evidence in order to decide the grievance. The Commission also ruled on the Safety Grievance. Petitioner asks that the court review the decisions on the grievances. Alternatively, Petitioner asks the court to invalidate the findings. Notice of Logdment is attached. Exhibit Books and Court Reporter’s Transcript and court record are attached as exhibits and incorporated by reference |
"The only thing I had on my side was the truth and the law. The school district, run by Cheryl Cox, Bertha Lopez and Pamela Smith and the politicians they obeyed, had a wealthy, corrupt insurance company on their side, and a justice system too overwhelmed to deal with schools that keep wrongdoers in power." --Maura Larkins |