Julie Korsmeyer 2007 speech for the Citizen's Academy:
"I love my job. It's a fabulous place to work in the office."
"Attorney General supervises district attorneys."
"District attorneys...should be free of political pressure... and not be used as a political pawn..."
San Diego’s Criminal Justice System Demystified: Chief Deputy District Attorney Julie Korsmeyer Citizens Academy Program Week One Thurs. Sept. 6 – Thurs. Nov. 8 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Manchester Conference Center University of San Diego Campus 5998 Alcala Park San Diego, CA 92110
Julie Korsmeyer San Diego Chief Deputy District Attorney Special Operations
This division investigates and
prosecutes cases involving public
officials and law enforcement. It also
handles internal affairs, election law
violations, hate crimes and major vice.
This division acts as the primary
advisor to the San Diego Grand Jury
and reviews all police use of deadly
force. The investigators are involved in
the gathering and dissemination of
criminal intelligence, threat
assessment and are on call for officer
involved shootings and incidents
involving serious violence against
police officers. To make sure the office
maintains good working relationships
with Mexico and with the Indian tribes
in the area, this division has
International Liaisons and a Tribal and
Gaming Liaison.
Media Luncheon
Paul Levikow
Communications Director:
"We try to have these luncheons
quarterly so we can have an open
door policy, show the media that we
are a transparent agency."
Bonnie Dumanis:
"Ask questions about the topic of day
which is public integrity, or anything
else for that matter."
3/1/07 Public Integrity Unit announced L to R: Chief Deputy Julie Korsmeyer, Assistant District Attorney Jesse Rodriguez, DA Dumanis, Deputy DAs Patrick O’Toole and Leon Schorr.
Wrongful conviction caused by Cortni
...Rand forwarded paperwork to the DA's special
operations division for a possible perjury charge against
Cortni. Attorneys there declined to prosecute.
"Perjury is a hard thing to prove," said Julie Korsmeyer,
division chief. "It's not just whether someone has told a lie
or not. There has to be intent."