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Stutz Artiano Shinoff
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Silence is Golden

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Office Admin Hearings

Larkins OAH Hearing
San Diego
Union-Tribune expose
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Dan Puplava,
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Indemnifying SDCOE

Blog post: Shelia
Jackson's residence
more important than
corruption at SDCOE?
San Diego Education Report
San Diego
Education Report
VOSD's major
donor trio
(see story below)
See also
News, information and ideas about our
education system
by Maura Larkins
Blog posts from Rating
the Media about Voice
of San Diego
(pushed by Irwin Jacobs
and Rod Dammeyer)
Mary Walter-Brown is proud that VOSD influenced a vote AGAINST school bonds
April 21, 2015

To its shame, VOSD stopped Emily Alpert from investigating San Diego County Office of
Education.  Regarding SDCOE and other school issues, VOSD has plenty of knowledge that it
conceals from the public.

VOSD wants us to vote against school bonds, but it doesn't want to give us the knowledge
needed to elect better officials.

We're responsible for electing good officials, but how can we fulfill our obligations as voters when
we know next to nothing about what goes on behind closed doors in schools?

VOSD knows that school officials  put their personal agendas ahead of the needs of students, but
it is very careful not to disrupt the cozy education establishment in San Diego.

Regarding school bonds: sure, schools waste money. But the voters choose the school officials
who waste money.

The solution is to elect better board members, not to deprive schools of bond money.

I wish VOSD would start informing the public about what's going on behind closed doors in
schools, instead of cherry-picking a few issues and trying to get people excited about those
issues so they will want to donate to VOSD.

Here's part of an email Mary Walter-Brown sent out today:

...We need your support to continue making that kind of impact. We have two more weeks in our
spring campaign and need to raise $70,000. Please check out our impact report below then make
your own impact by donating to VOSD.

...It's not always about impacting elected officials and city leaders; we're just as proud of the
impact we're making on residents like you. This reader has clearly followed our education
narrative, and our coverage of school bonds in particular, and is drawing from them to make this

Apr 1, 2015

"After many years of voting yes for school bonds, my next vote for SDUSD will be a definitive NO.
The last few weeks of reading VOSD has taught me: SDUSD has $5B of taxpayer money in their
coffers. Mission Valley has several under-used schools with very small class sizes. Recorders are
still used by school music programs not because they're great for music education but because
they're cheap. Educational tools like interactive whiteboards are on the same priority level as
lights for football games, but old dingy classrooms are lower priority. They don't track how well the
bond money is being spent. Despite the dysfunctional priorities, they author alarmist,
barely-toeing-the-line-of-lying bond proposals. Who could they blame but themselves when the
voters turn down their next bond proposal?"
Voice of San Diego