Mr. Shinoff did a poor job "investigating" the
Maura Larkins case at Chula Vista Elementary
School District. Shinoff didn't bother to talk
to Maura Larkins! He apparently advised the
district to fire Larkins for filing the  lawsuit,
thus violating California Labor Code 1102.5 as
well as the constitutional right to petition for
redress of grievances. Shinoff also oversaw
subornation of perjury, alteration of
documents, and intimidation of witnesses by
the district.
The booklet below was passed out as training for Guajome Park Academy (Vista Unified
School District) staff regarding student-on-student bullying.  

The Office of Civil Rights was given a list of staff members who were given the booklet.

The booklet concerns adult-on-adult harassment cases, such as the
Castle Park
Elementary/Maura Larkins case.  

VUSD used the courts to try to
force a paid expert witness to testify as the school
district wished.  Vista schools charged that the witness violated her contract by not
testifying as Vista Unified School District determined she should testify.  The witness,
a doctor, felt she had to testify as to her own expert opinions.
Vista Unified School District and the US Office of
Civil Rights
Real world:
School districts often refuse to produce
notes, detailed or otherwise, in court
cases.  Principals get up on the stand and
say they threw away their notes.  
Bully booklet:
"Detailed notes should be taken."
"Attachment 3"
not concern
bullying. > > >
< < <
Bully booklet:

employees from
harassment and discrimination..."
Real world:

The agreement with the Office of Civil Rights
concerned student-on-student bullying.  VUSD
did not interfere with the
bullying of Peters'
son.  VUSD wanted the boy to leave the school
because he was disabled.
Real world:
Why hide the truth?  The public is
paying to have their children
educated.  A public school
shouldn't be using tax dollars to
protect wrongdoers in court.
Bully booklet:
Attorney as Investigator
Many employers retain attorneys to act as
investigators of complaints of
discrimination.  Doing so may allow the
information obtained during the
investigation to be protected by
attorney-client privilege or the attorney
work-product should be
taken that privilege is not waved...
Attachment #3 (Bully booklet)

"Attorney as Investigator"

"Many employers retain attorneys to act as investigators of
complaints of discrimination.  Doing so may allow the information
obtained during the investigation to be protected by
attorney-client privilege or the attorney work-product should be taken that privilege is not waved..."
Real world:

Review what prohibition against retaliation?  
Where will school employees learn about this?  
Why isn't it in this booklet?

Why doesn't the booklet simply say: "It's
against the law to retaliate"?
Bully booklet:

"Review the prohibition
against retaliation."
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Shirk case

GPA finally investigated
VUSD/GPA lawsuits
Beverly Kanawi v. Bechtel

Conflict of interest SIA tech
Guajome Park Academy
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GPA connection to SIA
Education Reform Report
The letterhead of
Vista Unified School
's lawyers
(Stutz Artiano Shinoff
& Holtz
law firm) is no
longer concealed on
this page because
Court of Appeal
overruled Judge
Judith Hayes on
August 5, 2011.