Federal RICO in Calaveras
April 11, 2009
...Three cases related to the Calaveras probation dept, Rite of Passage (Fricot
City, Calaveras) county office of education, Bret Harte HS, supervisors and
district attorney, building dept, sheriif and probation dept, superior court/grand
jury---never investigated by the DA, sheriff or grand jury. Evidence of the criminal
El Dorado County Office of Ed. illicit profits from running three Calif charter
schools for foster kids and one in Nevada. Supe Vicki Barber, a former special
education local planning area specialist with a husband whose a special ed
attorney didn't know they were NOT providing special education even though the
school(s) generated twice the ADA funding--$9,000 per student. Calaveras
probation was given free juvenile placements at Fricot City (state group home
where Barber ran one illicit school) that Chief Meyers arranged in exchange that
the county never investigate them. It worked.
That conspiracy included Judge John E. Martin
After Bret Harte (17) and the county office of education (27) corrupted 44-lawful
complaints filed under state education uniform complaint procedure, by a state
group home, myself and an African American youth took them to court for AB
490, work permits, illegal suspension, no spec ed, other violations. Bret Harte
showed up with former FBI agent, James Wedick and a Lozano Smith attorney,
Elaine Yama, to observe the hearing and the judge was changed at the last
minute and the court refused to accept any documentation nor the exchange of
docs, we have 22- witnesses.
Bret Harte and Lozano Smith had just been sanctioned three months earlier in
federal court by judge, Oliver Wagner, for lying/obstruction/misrepresent ation.
Moser v. Bret Harte (2005)
That case led to the sheriff's department and to Chief Don Meyers.
The 2007 murder (OD-IV) heroine and staged suicide of former building inspector
whistle blower, Steve Weber, who was armed with 10-years of docs showing a pay
to play scheme and systemic code violations that's left 100's of homes w/o a final
inspection amongst a host of issues.
Steve Weber, and I were rebuffed by the same grand jury foreperson now county
supervisor, Gary Tofanelli, who conspired with the court and DA to use the grand
jury to bury OUR allegations.
I left the country after three death threats that came from the sheriff's and
probation depts and four months before Weber was murdered.
More problems for Lozano Smith
Friday, November 30 [2012]- CSBA [California School Boards
Association] Annual Education Conference
Exhibitor Table Talks
Boards, the Brown Act and Cyberspace
As education leaders turn to social media for timely
communication, well-intentioned board members can find
themselves in violation of the Brown Act when cyber
communication conveys information coming up for vote. If
used improperly, social media starts the slippery slope into
online serial meetings, resulting in costly, embarrassing legal
consequences, and can be subject to public records
requests. Attend this workshop to learn how to avoid social
media pitfalls in your governance capacity.
--Kelli Moors,Board Member, Carlsbad USD; Christopher
Keeler and Namita Brown, Partners, Fagen Friedman &
Fulfrost, LLP
Bullying Prevention in the 21st Century
New legislation and continued media coverage have raised
awareness and concerns about bullying, including cyber
-bullying. What are your obligations? How do you hold staff
accountable for turning policy into practice and engage your
staff, student and parent population to build a tolerant learning
community? Learn practical tips for integrating messages of
tolerance into district operations.
Christopher Fernandes,
Partner, Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost, LLP
To Fee or Not to Fee? There Can Be No Question
Recent ACLU litigation involving the constitutionality of fees
requires the review of fundraising policy and practices. What
charges are and are not admissible? Are your policies aligned
for disseminating this information to prevent fee-related
mishaps? Attendees will discuss legal and legislative updates
surrounding fee-related missteps.<br/><br/>
Howard Friedman,
Partner, Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost, LLP
Walk-On Coaches: Minimizing District Risk
Due to budget cuts and staff turnover, districts are
is your policy for hiring/training walk-on coaches? In light of
media coverage of inappropriate adult-student relationships,
what steps must be taken to ensure policies are current and
being implemented? Current legislative topics regarding
walk-on coaches will be examined.
Diane Marshall-Freeman,
Partner, Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost, LLP
You’ve Got Mail:
Communications and the Digital Era
School boards and districts are ever more reliant on e-
communications, and unfortunately facing new dilemmas. Will
your email and other digital documents become public
Who can access them? How will they be stored? Does it make
a difference if they were sent or received on personal
This table talk will focus on Public Records Act considerations
related to e-communications.<br/><br/>
Harold Freiman,
Attorney,Lozano Smith
San Diego Education Report
San Diego
Education Report