Edwin Feulner, President
The Heritage Foundation
214 Massachusetts Avenue NE
Washington DC 20002-4999
Phone: (202) 546-4400
Right Wing Extremist; Anti-Witchcraft, Anti-Occult

According to National Review editor William A. Rusher, "If any conservative organization deserves
pride of place, surely it is the Heritage Foundation. Launched in 1973 by Paul Weyrich, Joseph
Coors, and Edwin Feulner, it set out to provide the conservative movement with an aggressive
and competent think tank that would provide the sort of policy guidance... that such organizations
as the Brookings Institution had long furnished for liberals." The thinking that occurs at the
Heritage Foundation involves finding a saleable rationale for preconceived right-wing positions.
Its resources helped engineer the success of Newt Gingrich and the Contract with America. The
Heritage Foundation issues "backgrounder" reports that give a stamp of credibility to
misinformation and errors of fact; Backgrounder No. 803, its January 1991 report on the NEA,
was especially influential.

Paul Weyrich, President
Free Congress Foundation
717 Second Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 546-3000
Anti Occult, Anti Witchcraft

In 1974, a year after Paul Weyrich had founded the Heritage Foundation with seed money from
Colorado brewer Joseph Coors, he launched the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress
(CSFC) with additional backing from the Coors fortune. (The friendship between Coors and
Weyrich had begun when Weyrich was an aide to conservative Senator Gordon Allot of
Colorado.) The purpose of the CSFC was to influence the electoral process through fundraising
schemes, circulation of propaganda, recruitment of conservative candidates, and grassroots
organizing. Out of the CSFC grew the Free Congress Foundation, which has branched out into
lobbying for conservative judicial appointments, communications schemes like "National
Empowerment Television," and efforts to defeat gay rights initiatives. Weyrich, a member of the
extreme Catholic right and a professed admirer of the pro-Nazi demagogue Father Coughlin, has
founded or cofounded numerous right-wing organizations, including the Moral Majority. The
Weyrich juggernaut played a decisive role in the ascendancy of Newt Gingrich and the right-wing
Republicans of the 104th Congress. Among its top ten "Censored News Stories of 1994," Project
Censored cites the press's lack of coverage of the political machinations of Weyrich's Council for
National Policy, a secretive high-level strategy-formulating organization whose membership is a
Who's Who of the far right. The CNP played a decisive role in creating the conservative
Republican anschluss of November 1994. An admirer of Father Coughlin, the Thirties pro-fascist
radio demagogue, the ardently authoritarian Weyrich has operated at the heart of reactionary
politics for over two decades. With the help of handouts from beer magnate Joseph Coors, he
has founded or cofounded an impressive list of right-wing organizations, including the Moral
Majority, the Heritage Foundation, and the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress
(CSFC). His agenda has been to influence the electoral process through fundraising campaigns,
grassroots mobilization, propaganda blitzes, and promotion of conservative candidates. Out of
the CSFC grew the Free Congress Foundation, which has branched out into lobbying for
conservative judicial appointments, communications schemes like "National Empowerment
Television," and efforts to defeat gay rights initiatives.  Admitting that he and his colleagues are
not conservatives in the traditional sense, he has described the New Right as "radicals who want
to change the existing power structure." Weyrich was one of the earliest commentators to
advance the idea that the United States is engulfed in a cultural civil war. "It may not be with
bullets, and it may not be with rockets and missiles, but it is a war, nonetheless. It is a war of
ideology, it's a war of ideas, it's a war about our way of life. And it has to be fought with the same
intensity, I think, and dedication as you would fight a shooting war." It is becoming increasingly
clear that to dismiss this statement is to be fatally deluded. See Free Congress Page.  Write for
information, or visit Town Hall, the almost encyclopedic system of World Wide Web pages the
Heritage Foundation unveiled in 1995.  
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