Apr 25 2011
NCAA formally charges Jim
Tressel with lies, coverup of
OSU violations
Yahoo sports

By Matt Hinton

Initially, before coach Jim
Tressel was outed for
essentially lying to his bosses
and the NCAA, it looked like
Ohio State was getting off kind
of easy. In exchange for OSU's
cooperation, the NCAA was
willing to play good cop. It
could have suspended five
ineligible players who allegedly
sold and/or bartered
memorabilia to a local tattoo
shop for the Sugar Bowl, but it
didn't. It could have declared
all five players retroactively
ineligible and stricken all
eleven Buckeye wins in 2010
from the books, along with
their share of the Big Ten title,
but it didn't. It could have gone
after Ohio State the way it
went after USC, in search of
bowl bans and significant
scholarship losses, but it
didn't. In the wake of the
sledgehammer that fell on the
Trojans last summer, the
punishment for Ohio State —
a straightforward five-game
suspension for four of the
offending players to start the
2011 season, games the
Buckeyes are likely to win,
anyway — seemed minimal,
perfunctory. Which is one of
the reasons it made so many
people so angry, or confused,
or both.

That, of course, was before
Tressel's long-running,
deliberate coverup of the
violations saw the light of day,
and before it became clear
that the NCAA — and possibly
the higher-ups at Ohio State
themselves — had been
misled by one of the most
respected men in the
profession. What cooperation
will buy you in leniency,
deception will buy in
retribution, and the NCAA
began to extract its pound of
flesh Friday with an official
notice of allegations to the

It makes three allegations of
"potential major violations,"

• That, between November
2008 and May 2010, multiple
student-athletes received
preferential treatment and
"sold institutionally issued
athletics awards, apparel and
equipment to Edward Rife,
owner of a local tattoo parlor,"
adding up to more than
$13,000 in cash, free tattoos,
a loan and a discount on a
used car one of the players
bought from Rife.

• Under the same heading,
that Tressel "knew or should
have known" that at least two
players had made
inappropriate transactions with
Rife, per a credible email
tipster, but "he failed to report
information to athletics
administration and, as a result,
permitted football student-
athletes to participate in
intercollegiate athletics
competition while ineligible."

• That, as reported by the
university, Tressel "failed to
deport himself in accordance
with the honest and integrity
normally associated with the
conduct and administration of
intercollegiate athletics as
required by NCAA legislation
and violated ethical-conduct
legislation" by failing to report
emails alerting him to
violations, withholding the
information for months,
allowing possibly ineligible
players to play for the entire
season and "falsely attest[ing]
that he reported to the
institution any knowledge of
NCAA violations" when he
signed a compliance form last
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This high school student would probably be surprised to know that schools hire
attorneys who instruct school employees to cover-up the truth during court depositions!
The Ethicist
Driving the Price Up
April 15, 2011

...I am a high-school student. Recently my school came up for review. Members of an
accreditation board walked around the school for a few days, observing classes and
asking students questions. Accreditation reviewers pulled students out of the crowd to
speak at length. This was a huge deal for the administration. To prepare, many of my
teachers began coaching us. They told us what to say if one of the accreditation
reviewers asked us about certain education standards and asked us not to say
anything negative about our school.

I felt uncomfortable during all of this. By coaching us, aren’t our teachers subverting the
inspection? Or is it expected that preparations should be made? NAME WITHHELD, LA

Yes and yes. It subverts the inspection, and it’s expected. It’s dishonest, and it’s the
norm. Maybe not for schools — educators who engage in such practices don’t brag
about it to the press — but public-rating systems in general are multiplying and so are
ways to game them. From book reviews on Amazon to doctor reviews on RateMDs to
restaurant reviews on Yelp, if it sounds as if it was written by a publicist, you might as
well assume that it was (or at least by the owner or author or doctor in question). It’s
unethical, but then again, it’s just an updated form of advertising, and woe to him who
seeks truth therein.

Gaming a system of professional accreditation is a dicier proposition: higher stakes and
lower rewards, because the school wins the approval of a system the school itself has
proved to be corruptible. Still, if that’s unethical, then forcing students into the act is
unconscionable. You’re there to learn stuff, to make friends, to be adorable and
obnoxious and obstinate and precocious — in short, to be kids, not to be shills for an
institution that holds so much power over you. Coaching students on how to lie (not to
mention doing so in a manner likely to fail) is a curious form of education indeed. If your
parents haven’t already screamed, they should.

Then drop us a line from morning assembly when the administrators decide to turn it
into a “teachable moment.”
Blog posts cover-ups
Blog posts secrecy in schools
Cover-ups in schools
Cover-ups in Boy Scouts
US Boy Scouts covered up sex abuse: report
Sept. 16, 2012

WASHINGTON — The Boy Scouts of America failed to report hundreds of alleged child
molesters over two decades and often left parents in the dark as a means to save face,
the Los Angeles Times reported.

After reviewing 1,600 confidential files dated 1970-1991 from the century-old
organization, the Times found more than 500 instances in which the Scouts learned of
abuse directly from boys, parents, staff or anonymous tips, rather than after the
incidents were reported to the authorities.
And in about 80 percent of those cases, there was no record of the Scouts reporting
the abuse claims to authorities. The Times also found that officials actively sought to
hide the allegations or allowed the suspects to conceal the abuse claims in more than
100 of the cases.

Although the organization, which counts nearly four million adult and youth members,
has long sought to keep the "perversion files" out of public view, it could face a
damning wave of lawsuits and bad publicity in the coming weeks as the records are set
to be released.

The Oregon Supreme Court has ordered the public release of about 1,200 files dating
from 1965 to 1985, including some reviewed by the newspaper.
Scouting officials told the Times that in many cases, they covered up the allegations to
spare young victims from embarrassment. But some of the alleged molesters then went
on to abuse other children, according to Scouts documents and court records cited by
the Times.

In one example cited by the newspaper, a Maryland troop leader who confirmed
allegations of abuse against him was given six weeks to leave and told he could give his
associates "whatever reason that he chose" to resign.

An official was quoted as saying in the troop leader's file that the move gave him the
opportunity to leave in a "graceful manner," adding that the senior Scout was reminded
that he had agreed to keep the matter secret.
In response to the article, the organization issued an apology to the victims and
stressed it had always cooperated with the authorities. Since 2010, the Scouts require
officials to report even suspicion of abuse to local authorities.

"The Boy Scouts of America believes that one instance of abuse is far too many,"
spokesman Deron Smith told AFP.

"We regret there have been times when despite the BSA's best efforts to protect
children, Scouts were abused, and for that we are very sorry and extend our deepest
sympathies to victims."

The organization, founded in 1910, is best-known for promoting outdoor activities and
community service for boys aged seven to 21.
In July, it reaffirmed a ban on openly gay members and leaders after a secret review,
despite calls to overturn it.
Milgram Experiments
San Diego Education Report
San Diego
Education Report
Senate Intelligence
Committee's Report Into
CIA Torture Reveals
Horrific Brutality And
The Huffington Post UK  |
By Paul Vale

Posted: 09/12/2014

...Contrary to previous
CIA disclosures, the
study reveals that
waterboarding was likely
used on more than three
detainees, with materials
such as buckets and
water found at blacksites
the agency had
previously stated were
not used for

Detainees were also
subjected to threats of
sexual violence using a
broomstick and the use
of "rectal hydration", with
interrogations lasting
days or even weeks.
Food was also delivered
rectally to break hunger
strikes. Mock executions,
prolonged sleep
deprivation, stress
positions and other forms
of torture and cruel,
inhuman and degrading
treatment were also

The report also alleges
that CIA officials
deceived the White
House and members of
Congress into the details
of the interrogation
programme, while
disclosing all 119
prisoners held by the CIA
as terror suspects,
including 26 who were
held due to bad
intelligence or mistaken

The investigation
concludes that the torture
programme did not yield
results, and that
“enhanced interrogation
techniques” produced no
breakthroughs in

Senator Dianne Feinstein,
the chair of the intelligence
panel, said in a statement
on Tuesday: "The
committee reviewed 20 of
the most frequent and
prominent examples of
purported counterterrorism
'successes' that the CIA
has attributed to the use of
its enhanced interrogation
techniques. Each of those
examples was found to be
wrong in fundamental

The study adds that as
the techniques were
ineffective, the CIA
routinely lied to
Congress and the White
House in presentations
that claimed that torture
had contributed to
intelligence victories. The
study also refutes the
CIA assertion that torture
provided the key
information for bringing
about the killing of
Osama bin Laden...