Maria Guasp
Education Consultant
Greater San Diego Area--Dec. 10, 2012
Education Consultant
ConnectEd: The California Center for College and Career
2009 – Present (3 years)Self-employed
Coaching Principals and District Office Executives who are implementing College and
Career Pathways in their high schools as their high school reform effort.
Targeted Leadership Consulting
2008 – Present (4 years) Several school districts on mainland USA and Hawaii
Training and coaching Principals and Instructional Leadership Teams to improve student
achievement through focusing on a targeted instructional area and related instructional
powerful practices.
South Bay Community Services in the South Bay Area of San Diego
Board of Trustees Member and Past Chair SBCS Advisory Board
2001 – Present (11 years)
Principal Research Analyst
American Institutes for Research
October 2004 – August 2009 (4 years 11 months)
Managed a Gates funded project to reconstitute 4 comprehensive high schools into 18
small autonomous themed high schools.
Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
Chula Vista Elementary School District
2001 – 2004 (3 years)
NYC Department of Education
1996 – 2001 (5 years)District 9 Bronx, NY
Inter-American University of Puerto Rico-Metropolitan Campus
Bachelor of Science, Education
Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus
Master of Science, Education Administration and Supervision
San Diego Education Report
San Diego
Education Report
Maria Santory Guasp
Senior Consultant
Targeted Leadership Consulting
As an educational consultant,
Maria Guasp has used her more
than 30 years of experience to
advise, coach and support
school reform efforts in districts
and schools. In this capacity she
currently works with
superintendents, district office
administrators, principals and
teacher instructional leadership
teams in California and several
other states. Prior to this, Maria
worked with American Institutes
for Research as the Project
Manager of the Gates funded
High School Reform Project in
San Diego, Assistant
Superintendent for Instruction in
Chula Vista, CA, and held
several positions with the New
York City Board of Education
including Superintendent, Chief
Executive for Instructional and
Student Support Programs,
Executive Director in the
Divisions of Professional
Development and Bilingual
Education, principal and
teacher. She has an M.S. and
P.D. in Educational
Administration from Long Island
University, an M.S. in Bilingual
and Urban Education from Long
Island University, and a B.A. in
Elementary Education from
Universidad Interamericana,
Puerto Rico.
Targeted Leadership Consulting
The TLC Team
Senior Partners
Jeff Nelsen
Amalia Cudeiro
The following
consultants are all
contractors that
collaborate on specific
TLC projects. They are
not employees of TLC
and often collaborate
with other companies on
projects or work
projects of their own.
Senior Consultants
J. Chris Coxon
Sara Exposito
Bonnie McGrath
Pamela Rubin
Maria Santory Guasp
Richard Spero
Shirley Stiles
Jean Stiles
Cindy Tucker
Libi Gil
Bob Hill
Thomas W. Payzant
Susan Marshall
Danny Tellers
Karen Waggoner
Dec. 10, 2012
Students Turn the Tables on School Research — And Do It Themselves
June 16, 2009
Voice of San Diego
The teens shuffled their papers, only slightly nervous in their jeans and hoodies in the
dimly lit classroom at Crawford High School. Teachers sat arrayed before them, waiting
to hear their report.
...The project was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through the
American Institutes for Research and cost $7,500 per school in food, copying costs,
transportation to the university and the researchers' pay. It was part of a grant for small
high schools, the schools-within-a-school that were formed in 2004 and 2007 by
splitting up big, comprehensive schools into several smaller schools with themes. That
money dries up this summer; Jones and Yonezawa hope to cover the costs next year
with a new grant. Maria Guasp, a principal research analyst with the American Institutes
for Research, said the project ties directly into the goals of the small high school
movement: a more personalized, more empowering experience for teens...