California Department of Education (CDE)
Administers the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition
Services (FNS) Child Nutrition Programs and the Food Distribution Program in
Sandip Kaur, Director
Nutrition Services Division
Phone: 916-445-0850
Fax: 916-445-4842
The Nutrition Services Division
is part of the Student Support &
Special Services Branch.
Child Nutrition Advisory Council (CNAC).
State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Appoints
New Director of Nutrition Services Division
September 13, 2012
Contact: Tina Jung
Phone: 916-319-0818
SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson today announced the
appointment of Sandip Kaur as the new Director of the California Department of Education's
(CDE) Nutrition Services Division.
"Sandip brings a wealth of experience into her new leadership position at the Department, and I
appreciate the hard work she has already put in to help make sure California's children have
access to nutritious meals," said Torlakson. "She'll play a key role in carrying out our Team
California for Healthy Kids initiative designed to help children develop the habits that will make
them healthier in school and throughout their lives."
Kaur has been the acting Director of the Division for more than a year and replaces newly-retired
Director Phyllis Bramson. Bramson had a distinguished career in state government for 31 years.
This includes her eight years of service with the Nutrition Services Division where she provided
leadership and management of three complex and highly visible state nutrition automated
systems, two of which won state best practice awards.
Kaur started working in the Division in 2004 as a high level manager. The cornerstone of her
experience was the initiation and completion of the Child Nutrition Information and Payment
System, which is a Web-based system that modernized how local sponsors of federal food
programs submit and track the status of their applications, claims, changes, and U.S.
Department of Agriculture food orders to the CDE. Kaur was also responsible for making the
Division's Food Distribution Program more cost effective for sponsors and competitive with
private food distribution companies.
Kaur has nearly 28 years of experience working in California state government, including stints in
the Department of Food and Agriculture, Department of Personnel Administration, and the
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
David Jang, May 2013 Manager, Program Integrity, Compliance and
Administration Section OAH case
Glenn Ostapeck,May 2013 Manager, Audits and Investigations
Chris Kavooras, May 2013 Manager, Southern School Nutrition
Programs Unit
Christine Santy, Manager, Southern Field Services Unit
Michele Vasquez, Manager, Program Integrity Unit
Donna Caeg, Child Nutrition Consultant, Field Services Unit
Tamara Busman, Analyst, Field Services Unit
Jennifer Howerter, Analyst, Northern School Nutrition Programs Unit
Andrea Tayo, Analyst, Southern School Nutrition Programs Unit
June Preston, School Nutrition Programs Unit Manager
FNS-2012-0030-DRAFT-0009-A1.docx -
CNAC Agenda for the December 9, 2013, Meeting
December 9, 2013
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Room 1801
Sacramento, California 95814
Council Members
Carol Chase Huegli
Caroline Danielson
Nori Grossman
Lawrence Herrera
Clell Hoffman
Lucy McProud
Soo Zee Park
Marni Posey
Barbara Rohrer
Trish Vance
Colleen You
Liaison from the State Board of Education
Niki Sandoval
CNAC Meeting Minutes for June 19, 2012
Child Nutrition Advisory Council
An Advisory Body to the State Board Of Education
Meeting Minutes
June 19, 2012
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Room 1801
Sacramento, CA 95814
Members Present
Carol Chase, Caroline Danielson, Nori Grossman, Lawrence Herrera, Clell Hoffman, Lucy
McProud, Soo Park, Marni Posey, Barbara Rohrer, and Trish Vance
State Board of Education Liason
Member(s) Absent
Colleen You
Also Present—California Department of Education Staff Members:
Jason Spencer, Stephanie Papas, Beth Rice, June Preston, Heather Reed, Donna Reedy, and
Mike Danzik
Nutrition Services Division, Civil Rights and Complaints Coordinator
Shirley Rhodes
Nutrition Services Division, Civil Rights and Complaints Coordinator
May 2013 Analyst, Northern School Programs Unit
Phone: 916-323-8521
Shirley Rhodes, Director Nutrition Services Division
California Department of Education
1430 N St Ste 5602
Sacramento, CA 95814
Company Phone: 916-319-0815
Direct Phone: 916-323-8521
Company Fax: 916-319-0100
Warning: Do not assume that your complaint has actually
been officially filed just because Ms. Rhodes (or anyone
else) tells you that prepare a report and investigate will be
created. Instead, follow the Uniform Complaint Procedure.
USDA Civil Rights
United States Department of Agriculture Food & Nutrition Service (FNS) policies and
procedures about nondiscrimination in the administration of the child nutrition and food
distribution programs.
If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA
Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at http://www.ascr.usda.
gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the
You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your
completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at
U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Director, Office of Adjudication,
1400 Independence Avenue,
S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410,
or by fax (202) 690-7442 or by
email at
Jon Garcia, Acting Branch Chief Aug 2012
Program Analysis and Monitoring Branch
Child Nutrition Division
Food and Nutrition Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
3101 Park Center Drive, Room 640
Alexandria, VA 22302
Greg Heilner, Manager or Supervisor (supervisor is Carol Chase)
Food Distribution Program
California State Department of Education
1430 N Street, Suite 1500
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 323-7175
USDA Food Distribution
How to File a Complaint
Last Modified: 03/27/2014
FDD monitors complaints about USDA Foods and coordinates the resolution of health hazards
with the FNS Office of Food Safety for States, Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs), and recipient
agencies participating in any of the Food Distribution Programs (FDP).
USDA Foods Complaint Procedures for Individuals or Local Recipient Agency:
The SDA will act on complaints from eligible program recipients participating in the following
USDA Foods Distribution Programs and file complaints in the Web-Based Supply Chain
Management (WBSCM) System:
Child Nutrition Programs Includes the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
CACFP Contact:
Greg Heilner, Manager
Food Distribution Program
California State Department of Education
1430 N Street, Suite 1500
Sacramento, CA 95814
Tel: (916) 323-7175
Fax: (916) 327-3981
Laurie Pennings
CDE Nutrition Services Division Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP
Nutrition Services Division
Phone : 916-445-0850
Fax : 916-323-1952
Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP)
California Department of Education (CDE)
What are the responsibilities of the CDE?
The California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 4610
authorizes CDE, through the UCP to process only
complaints regarding student discrimination and/or
categorical programs that are mandated by certain
federal and state statutes and regulations as appeals of
the LEA Decision or, in certain specified situations,
The CDE:
Reviews, monitors and provides technical
assistance to all LEAs regarding the adoption of
complaint UCP policies.
Refers each complaint to the LEA for resolution
when appropriate.
Considers a variety of alternatives to resolve
allegations in the appeal when:
The LEA fails to act within 60 days.
A complainant appeals an LEA
Decision if he or she believes as a
matter of fact or law the Decision is
The Department determines that direct
intervention is necessary.
Requires corrective action by the LEA if non-
compliance issues are identified during the
Provides monitoring and technical assistance to
LEAs to ensure resolution on non-compliant
Gives either party the right to request
reconsideration of the CDE report to the SPI
within 35 days of the receipt of the report.
Gives either party the right to appeal the CDE
report to the United States Secretary of
Education for those programs governed by Part
76 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal
San Diego Education Report
San Diego
Education Report
CDE Contracting Agencies Audit Guidelines
Resources for external auditors and
contracting agencies for completing the annual
audits of Child Care and Development,
Nutrition, Adult Education, and No Child Left
Behind programs.
Audit Guidelines
CDE Audit Guide, Revised June 2010 (PDF; 1MB)
Guidelines for independent auditors conducting audits of Child Care and Development,
Nutrition, and Adult Education, and No Child Left Behind contracts administered by the
California Department of Education (CDE).
Changes Made to Audit Guide
Major revision that reduces the size of the audit guide. The new guide eliminates
obsolete material and excludes some information set forth in other publications, such as
professional standards and agency guidelines. Also, the new guide presents revised
examples of audit reports and schedules, and updated references to laws, regulations,
and Web site addresses.
Audited Attendance and Fiscal Reports - AUD Forms – Fiscal Year 2012-13 (XLS; 1MB)
Instructions 2012-13 (DOC)
Forms and instructions for independent auditors to simplify the audit process and
facilitate CDE's determination of fiscal year end reimbursable earnings needed to close
out child development contracts.
Audited Attendance and Fiscal Reports - AUD Forms – Fiscal Year 2011-12 (XLS; 1MB)
Instructions 2011-12 (DOC)
Forms and instructions for independent auditors to simplify the audit process and
facilitate CDE's determination of fiscal year end reimbursable earnings needed to close
out child development contracts.
Annual Audit Status Certification (AASC)
Organizations that participate in Child Care and Development, Nutrition, Adult
Education, and No Child Left Behind programs administered by the California
Department of Education (CDE) must annually report to the CDE the total amount of
federal and state funds expended during the past fiscal year. The AASC form (DOC),
while streamlining this process, does not replace the federal and state requirements
to submit an annual audit report to the Federal Clearinghouse External and to the
CDE Audits and Investigations Division.
[Audits & Investigations Division
Conducts a comprehensive program of external, internal, and investigative auditing to
evaluate compliance with federal and state program and administrative requirements.
Kevin W. Chan, Director
Phone: 916-322-2288
Fax: 916-323-5279
The Audits & Investigations Division is part of Legal, Audits, & Compliance.]
The AASC form must be completed according to the AASC form instructions and
returned to the CDE Audits and Investigations Division by the deadline noted at the top
of the form. To ensure the accuracy of reported information, the person completing
the AASC form should have knowledge of all your organization’s financial contracts
and programs. If the information requested on the AASC form does not apply to your
organization for reasons such as cancellation, termination, or voluntary
discontinuation of CDE’s programs, please sign, date, and return the form with a
notation stating the reason of non-applicability.
Submit your organization’s completed and signed AASC form to:
Robert Hoyer, Staff Services Analyst
California Department of Education
Audits and Investigations Division
1430 N Street, Suite 5319
Sacramento, CA 95814 | 916-445-6776
Failure to timely submit the AASC form to the CDE Audits and Investigations Division
may jeopardize your continued participation in all programs administered by the CDE.
If you need assistance with the AASC form, please contact Robert Hoyer, Staff
Services Analyst, at 916-445-6776.
Legal, Audits, & Compliance
Legal, Audits, and Compliance advises and represents
the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the
California Department of Education, and the State Board
of Education on legal matters, and takes the lead in the
department's coordination of audits, complaints and
compliance reviews, including reviews of English
learner programs.
Amy Bisson Holloway, General Counsel
Phone: 916-319-0860
Fax: 916-319-0155
Related Links
Administrative Support & Regulations Adoption
Information regarding notices of proposed actions to adopt, amend or repeal
regulations for the California Department of Education, State Superintendent of Public
Instruction, and the California State Board of Education.
Audits & Investigations Division
Conducts a comprehensive program of external, internal, and investigative auditing to
evaluate compliance with federal and state program and administrative requirements.
Categorical Programs Complaints Management
Responsible for the investigation of complaints involving state and federal categorical
programs funded through the Consolidated Application and for the monitoring of
compliance with the Department of Education's Uniform Complaint Procedures.
Legal Division
Provide timely, thorough legal advice and representation to the Superintendent of
Public Instruction, California Department of Education, and State Board of Education,
in furtherance of their official duties and public policy goals.
Questions: Legal, Audits, & Comp
Legal Division
Provide timely, thorough legal advice and representation to the Superintendent of
Public Instruction, California Department of Education, and State Board of Education,
in furtherance of their official duties and public policy goals.
Edmundo Aguilar, Chief Counsel
Phone: 916-319-0860
Fax: 916-319-0155
The Legal Division is part of Legal, Audits, & Compliance.
The Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC) operates on
behalf of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Its primary purposes
are to:
Distribute single audit reporting packages to federal agencies.
Support OMB oversight and assessment of federal award audit requirements.
Maintain a public database of completed audits.
Help auditors and auditees minimize the reporting burden of complying with
Circular A-133 audit requirements.
California Department of Education
updated 2014
1430 N Street, Sacramento 95814
phone: (916) 319-0800
web site:
Tom Torlakson
State Superintendent of Public Instruction / Director of
(916) 319-0800
Richard Zeiger
Chief Deputy Superintendent
(916) 319-0800
Lupita Cortez Alcalá
Deputy Superintendent, Instruction & Learning Support Branch
(916) 319-0821
William Ellerbee
Deputy Superintendent, Student Support & Special Services Branch
(916) 319-0797
Paul Hefner
Director, Communications Division
(916) 319-0818
Amy Bisson Holloway
General Counsel, Legal, Audits & Compliance
(916) 319-0860
Jeannie Oropeza
Deputy Superintendent, Services for Administration, Finance, Technology &
(916) 319-0815
Deb Sigman
Deputy Superintendent, District, School & Innovation Branch
(916) 319-0812