[Why did Robin Donlan tell Gretchen
Donndelinger, “You don’t want to know”?  
Because it would be a crime for
Donndelinger to obtain the illegally retrieved
information Robin was discussing?

Did Robin Donlan fear that she would be
accused of a crime if a full and fair
investigation were conducted on why the
district had placed Maura Larkins on
administrative leave in February of 2001?

Robin Donlan, who had seniority, claimed
that she wanted the position Heather Coman
was going to move into.  When Heather left,
Donlan withdrew her claim on the position.  It
would appear that her only reason for asking
for the position was to push Heather Coman
out of the school.]
Robin Donlan
is reading
a quote from
deposition of
> > >
Robin Donlan
is reading
a quote from
deposition of
> > >
In this transcript, Robin Donlan changed her
testimony on camera when attorney Kelly Angell of
Stutz, Artiano, Shinoff & Holtz admonished her.

San Diego Superior Court case number GIC781970.

Kelly Angell Minnehan was working under the supervision of
Shinoff, who had, with Jeffery Morris, set out a strategy of covering-up
illegal actions and the circumstances surrounded them.

November 4, 2004  

Page 99
Q. Do you know that I was dismissed by the school district?

MS. ANGELL: You mean other than conversations that are attorney-
client privileged, attorney work product and information related to Ms.
Donlan in the course of this litigation?


THE WITNESS: We were told during a meeting, so--

At this point, the deponent had answered a clear question, AFTER her
lawyer's clarification that the question specifically ruled out information that
was "attorney-client privileged, attorney work product and information
related to Ms. Donlan in the course of this litigation."  Ms. Donlan made it
clear that there had been a meeting which was NOT "attorney-client
privileged, attorney work product and information related to Ms. Donlan in
the course of this litigation," in which she had learned that LARKINS had
been dismissed from employment.

As DONLAN answered this question affirmatively, the video camera
recorded her tone of voice, eye movements, and body language, all of
which support the court reporter's record of an affirmative response.  This
additional evidence indicates DONLAN'S clear understanding of the
question, and her clear understanding of the clarification by her lawyer.

DONLAN nodded her head affirmatively as she answered,  "We were told
during a meeting, so--."  She looked at Kelly Angell as she spoke the
words, and spoke in a confidential tone of voice, as if she had never
before given this information to her lawyer, but was giving it to her now.

ANGELL interrupted her client's testimony to give a clear order, a clear
directive, a clear instruction, to Ms. Donlan:

Angell: "Well, you don't discuss anything that was told to you
by your counsel, things that you discussed with counsel.  So
the question is did you know, other than through your counsel
or through this litigation, that she had been dismissed?

The witness --and a reasonable person informed of ANGELL'S words and
actions--could not help but understand that ANGELL was ordering her
client to change her testimony.  And Ms. Donlan did change her testimony:


Why did ANGELL want this apparently innocuous information
contradicted?   The information is a matter of public record.  Because
ANGELL was desperate to avoid any testimony about discussions about
the matter by teachers and Michael Carlson and Rick Werlin at that time,
since those discussions involved covering up crimes by planning new

This isn’t a private lawyer protecting a client.  This is a public entity lawyer
preventing a witness from telling the truth about harm done by the public
entity.  This is a representative of a public institution (Chula Vista
Elementary School District) forcing a client to lie to cover up a committed
by that institution.  This is public, not private.  This is subornation of
perjury BY government, supported by tax dollars, and the public has a
right to know about it.  The lawyers provided to CVESD by the San Diego
County Office of Education Joint Powers Authority must stop milking the
public and committing misdemeanors and felonies that harm public

Plaintiff's conduct as alleged in this cause of action constitutes an unlawful
act in violation of Penal Code section 127, which states, “Every person
who willfully procures another person to commit perjury is guilty of
subornation of perjury, and is punishable in the same manner as he would
be if personally guilty of the perjury so procured.”

The following quotes from Robin Donlan’s deposition show exactly how she
contradicted the sworn testimony of her principal.  SASH knew very well
that these people had violated Labor Code Section 432.7 (a
misdemeanor) against Larkins (Exhibit 8), but instead of an apology to
Larkins they continued to bill the district for their efforts to subvert the
justice system.

November 4, 2004

P 123

18              MS. LARKINS:  Okay.  I would like to ask that this document be
labeled -- okay -- as Exhibit 5.  I want to make sure that you get one,
Ms. Garvin, because this relates so specifically to your client.  

P 124
(Exhibit 5 marked for identification.)
"Deposition of Gretchen Donndelinger."

P 125

A.  "Did Robin Colls ever share with you any kind of information concerning
a police report allegedly, somehow, involving Maura Larkins?"

P 126
Q.  Was there ever something about a police report that you didn't want
Gretchen Donndelinger to know?

A.  Not to my recollection, no.

Q.  Okay.  So according to your recollection,
Gretchen Donndelinger's testimony about you here is false?

A.  As far as I recall.

Q.  Was there ever something about a police report that you didn't want
Gretchen Donndelinger to know?

A.  Not to my recollection, no.

Q.  Okay.  So according to your recollection,  Gretchen Donndelinger's
testimony about you here is false?

A.  As far as I recall.

Q.  Okay.  Did your brother ever talk to you during the year 2000 about my
having been arrested?

MR[S]. GARVIN:  Vague and ambiguous.


21-22       Q.  Okay.  Would you please read the question on Line 2 of
Page 81.

P 127 line 9-16      

Q.  Okay.  Now that you have read almost half a page of Gretchen
Donndelinger's testimony about a conversation she claims to have
had with you, are you getting any  memories at all of this

A.  No, none whatsoever.

Q.  Okay.  Do you have any explanation for why Gretchen Donndelinger
would have said that you talked about a police report?

Page 128   line 8  through page 129 line 5

Q. So could you read the question that was asked of Gretchen
Donndelinger that is recorded here on Line 10 on Page 81.

A.  "Was this in a face-to-face conversation with Robin Colls?"

Q.  And what was Gretchen's answer?

A.  "Yes."

Q.  Okay.  You don't remember any face-to-face conversation with
Gretchen Donndelinger about a police report that allegedly
somehow involved me?

A.  No, I don't.

Q.  Okay.  Do you have any experience of Gretchen Donndelinger
having hallucinations?

A.  No.  Personally, no.

Q.  Okay.  But you heard -- her testimony here is false; is that your

A.  I don't have any recollection of that event.

Q.  Could this conversation have had happened and you might
have forgotten it?

A.  I doubt that.

Q.  So you're quite sure this conversation never took place?

A.  I don't recall it.


11          Q.  When I was working at Castle Park and Gretchen
Donndelinger was working at Castle Park, did you ever talk to her about a
police report involving me or anyone  connected with me?

A.  No.

Q.  Did you ever tell her that you knew something about me, but you -- she
wouldn't want to know it?

A.  No.

Q.  Did you ever tell her that there was some sort of non-school
relationship between my family and your family?

A.  Not to my recollection, no.


Q.  Did you ever talk to Gretchen Donndelinger without an attorney
present about me at any other time other than the times you were
discussing the white board
incident and the notebook incident?

A.  I don't recall any, no.

12          Q.  Okay.  If you had knowledge about a
police report about a
teacher at your school, is that something you'd be likely to remember?

15          A.  Probably.

Another individual who committed perjury under pressure from Kelly Angell
MInnehan, Daniel Shinoff, Jeffery Morris and  the
CVESD board was Linda
(Exhibit 7), contradicting herself again and again, and changing
her testimony when Larkins asked if Watson would mind if her phone
records were subpoenaed.
P. 67

Intriguing objection by Kelly
Angell regarding "mild anxiety"


Would you say that this
was kind of a mild anxiety
in the back of your mind?


Calls for expert
testimony.  This person
has not been established
to be a psychiatrist,

psychotherapist or anything like
that, and  it sounds to me like
you're talking about medical
Robin Colls Donlan deposition
November 4, 2004
Page 93
Called you up to report events at Castle Park since you left

Have you suggested to her actions that she might take

I suggested that she call Gina Boyd

You were handing out literature on campus to students

Had Gina Boyd’s name on it
Page 99  contd.
Tape two quote outtakes
Page 83
3:54 p.m.
P 83
3          Q.   Did you enjoy a great deal of influence
4     over decisions being made by administrators at Castle
5     Park Elementary School during most of the time you were
6     there?
7          A.  If you could clarify that, please.
8          Q.  Did you enjoy -- let me say this.  Did Gretchen
9     Donndelinger listen to what you said to her and do what
10     you suggested a significant amount of the time?
14          Q.  Did you frequently go in to Gretchen
15     Donndelinger's office and talk to her?
16          A.  Not to my recollection, no.

[Maura Larkins' note: To my recollection, yes.  Also, Gretchen told me
she encouraged them to come to her and "vent."]

Off the record at 3:40 p.m.

P 79
Donlan must have found out
immediately.  They would
have gone straight to her,
especially since she started
the whole thing, and also
she was a member of the
Castle Park Family.
21              VIDEOGRAPHER:  This concludes Tape 1 of the
Off the record at 3:40 p.m. (Recess taken.)

This is Tape 2 of the deposition   Back on the record at 3:54 p.m.
22          Q.  Okay.  Do you recall a year at Castle Park when
23     Gretchen Donndelinger was principal and
you said that you
24     might want to switch to a regular fourth grade class
25     instead of your special education class?
1          A.  Yes.
2          Q.  Do you remember why you -- strike that.  Did you
3     tell Gretchen Donndelinger that you wanted to switch to a
4     regular fourth grade class?
5          A.  I inquired about a fourth grade opening that was
6     becoming available.
7          Q.  Okay.  Do you remember how that opening became
8     available?
9          A.  I don't recall specifically.  I believe that Al
10     Smith was transferred to third grade.

[Robin was maneuvering to push Heather Coman out]

P 86
2          Q.  Okay.  Why did you decide not to switch to the
3     regular fourth grade class when you had discussed it with
4     the principal?
5          A.  I did not make that decision.  Dr. Donndelinger
6     made that decision.
7          Q.  Were you unhappy when you were not allowed to
8     switch to a fourth grade regular class?
9          A.  I was disappointed.
10          Q.  Are you now teaching a regular fourth grade
11     class?
12          A.  Yes.
13          Q.  But you weren't happy when you were given this
14     regular fourth grade class?
21          Q.  Do you recall one year when the teachers had a
22     food fight in the staff lounge at Castle Park?
23          A.  I wasn't present for that.
24          Q.  Okay.  Did that food fight occur on the last day
25     of school?
1          A.  I don't recall.
2          Q.  The following year did you come to the lounge
3     dressed in a rain coat in the expectation of having
4     another food fight?
5          A.  I don't recall.
6          Q.  Was Lowell Billings an interim principal at
7     Castle Park when you were there?
8          A.  Yes.
9          Q.  What did you think of his administrative skills?
10          A.  I didn't think anything.  He wasn't there very
11     often.
[I wonder what he thought of her teaching skills.  Perhaps the transfer reveals his
15          Q.  Did you think that Gretchen Donndelinger had
16     good administrative skills?
17          A.  Certain of her administrative skills were good,
18     yes.
19          Q.  What skills were those?
25              MS. LARKINS:  Okay.  I would like to ask some
P 88
8          Q.  What were Gretchen Donndelinger's administrative
9     skills in your point of view?
This is the only administrative skill she talks about
10          A.  She cared for the children; she liked being
11     around children.  She -- I felt that she had the best
12     interests of the children in heart.  I feel those are
13     skills that are important for an administrator.
14          Q.  Was she your friend?
15          A.  She was my work acquaintance.
16          Q.  Did you have a positive relationship with her?
17          A.  I believe so.
18          Q.  Okay.  Did your relationship with her get better
19     over time?
20          A.  I wouldn't say it got better or worse.
21          Q.  Okay.  Did you ever have problems with her when
22     she refused to suspend a student of yours that you wanted
23     suspended?
17          Q.  Were you ever unhappy with Gretchen Donndelinger
18     when she refused to suspend one of your students whom you
19     wanted suspended?
21              THE WITNESS:  I was -- I wouldn't say I was
22     unhappy.  I wasn't pleased.
24          Q.  Did you ever ask Gina Boyd to come and have a
25     meeting with you and Gretchen --
P 90
1          A.  I don't recall.
2          Q.  -- regarding suspending students?
3          A.  I don't recall.
4          Q.  Did you ever ask Gina Boyd to come to Castle
5     Park and have a meeting with Gretchen Donndelinger about
6     anything?
7          A.  I don't recall specifics.
8          Q.  Do you recall ever asking Gina Boyd to come and
9     have a meeting with you and the principal at Castle Park?
10          A.  I don't recall any specific events.
11          Q.  But you think it might have happened?
12          A.  It might have happened, yes.
15              Was Gina Boyd very supportive of you when you
16     were at Castle Park?
17          A.  Gina Boyd was supportive of everybody who was at
18     Castle Park in my belief.
[She’s in denial about the fact that I was there at Castle Park even though she
didn’t want me there.]
19          Q.  Was her relationship with you closer than it was
20     with other teachers?
21          A.  She had known me for longer.  We had been
22     acquaintances, been friendly work partners for longer.
23          Q.  Uh-huh.  Okay.  What were some of Gretchen
24     Donndelinger's problems as an administrator?
P 91
1          Q.  In your opinion.
2          A.  Her problems with being an administrator or with
3     administrative traits or -- I'm unclear as to what you're
4     asking me.
6              Did you ever discuss with other teachers
7     Gretchen Donndelinger's failings as an administrator?
8          A.  I don't recall specifically.
22          Q.  Okay.  In your opinion is Ollie Matos the worst
23     administrator that Castle Park has had during the time
24     you worked there?
25          A.  Possibly.
P 92
1          Q.  Who do you think might come close to him as a
2     bad administrator?
3          A.  Mr. Perez.
4          Q.  Okay.  Do you believe that Ollie Matos should be
5     fired?
6          A.  No.
7          Q.  Do you believe that Ollie Matos should be
8     removed from Castle Park?
9          A.  I believe that he would most likely be a better
10     fit at a different school.
11          Q.  Why is that?
12          A.  Because I believe that his skills would be
13     better suited to a different type of staff than Castle
14     Park was.
15          Q.  When you say type of staff that Castle Park is,
16     what do you mean by that?
17          A.  Castle Park is an independent staff.  The staff
18     pretty much as a whole is used to being involved in
19     decision making.  I believe that Mr. Matos' experience is
20     not of that, but there are schools where the staff is not
21     involved as closely in decision making.  It's my belief
22     that he might be better suited to a school like that.
23        Q.  Okay.  Are you acquainted with one of the PTA --
24     let me rephrase that.  Are you acquainted with PTA
25     president
Kim Simmons?
1          A.  Yes.
2          Q.  How long have you known her?
3          A.  Approximately two years.
4          Q.  How did you first become acquainted?
5          A.  I don't recall.
6          Q.  Has she ever called you up to report events at
7     Castle Park since you left?
8          A.  Yes.
9          Q.  About how often?
10          A.  Occasionally, not very often.
11      Q.  Have you suggested to her actions that she might
12     take at Castle Park since you left?
13          A.  Yes.
14          Q.  What actions were those?
 A.  I suggested at one incident that she call Gina
16     Boyd.
17          Q.  What incident was that?
18          A.  It was the incident where you were handing out
19     literature on the campus to the students.
20          Q.  Okay.
21          A.  The literature had Gina Boyd's name on it.
22          Q.  Uh-huh.  How did you feel about that?
25          Q.  How did you feel about me handing out

P 94

1     that had Gina Boyd's name on it?
2          A.  You're entitled to your opinion.  But opinion is
3     opinion.

[Robin appears very angry in the video, with deeply downward
lines on mouth.]

4          Q.  It didn't bother you at all?
5          A.  I really didn't have any opinion about it at
6     all.
7          Q.  Did you have any feelings about it?
8          A.  (Witness shakes head.)
9              I didn't -- I failed to understand the purpose,
10     but your opinion is your opinion.  You're entitled to it.
11          Q.  Okay.  And what other reports has Kim Simmons
12     made to you about Castle Park since you left?
13          A.  She called to ask me if I knew two gentlemen
14     that had attended a PTA meeting, which I did not.
15          Q.  Was she concerned about these two gentlemen?
16          A.  You would have to ask her that.
17          Q.  Did she tell you she was worried about these two
18     gentlemen?
19          A.  No.  She did not know who they were.  She asked
20     me if I knew who they were and why they were there, and I
21     said no.
    Q.  Did you go to curriculum night at Castle Park
23     recently and hand out fliers?
24          A.  For Jill Galvez, yes.  She was running for the
25     school board seat that is currently occupied by Patrick

P 95

1     Judd.
2          Q.  Why did you choose Castle Park as a place to
3     hand out your fliers that night?
4          A.  I -- I saw no reason not to.
5          Q.  Who was with you when you were handing out
6     fliers?
7          A.  Certain parents, Gina Boyd, other people I don't
8     recall specifically, and Peg Myers.
9          Q.  Okay.  Peg Myers was also recently transferred
10     from Castle Park, wasn't she?
11          A.  Yes, she was.
12          Q.  Were you trying to prove to the principal that
13     you could be there and he couldn't get rid of you?
14          A.  I was not trying to prove anything.  I was
15     handing out fliers in support of Jill Galvez.
16          Q.  Were any of the parents or teachers who were
17     with you holding up signs?
18          A.  Yes.
19          Q.  What did those signs say?
20          A.  Different things.  "Support the teachers."
21          Q.  What did that mean, "support the teachers"?
22          A.  Support the teachers who were transferred.
23          Q.  So these parents and teachers were protesting
24     your transfer?
25          A.  I believe the parents were.  The teachers who
P 96
1     were out there were myself and Peg Myers, and we were
2     handing out fliers for Jill Galvez.
3          Q.  Okay.  Do you remember when the bilingual
4     program began at Castle Park Elementary School?
5          A.  I don't remember a specific year, but yes.
6          Q.  Okay.  Were the teachers involved in deciding
7     whether or not there would be a bilingual program?
8          A.  I can't recall how much involvement the teachers
9     had in making the decision to have one.
10          Q.  How did you feel about the bilingual program?
11              MS. ANGELL:  Vague and ambiguous as to time.
12     BY MS. LARKINS:
13          Q.  At Castle Park when it was being discussed that
14     it was going to be -- it might be coming.
15          A.  I didn't have a strong belief in bilingual
16     education.
17          Q.  Do you think bilingual education is a bad idea?
18          A.  I wouldn't go to say that it's a bad idea.  I
19     just don't have a belief that it's beneficial.
20          Q.  Okay.  Did you express these opinions at staff
21     meetings?
22          A.  Yes, I did.
23          Q.  Did other people express similar opinions?
24          A.  Similar and opposed, yeah.
25          Q.  Okay.  Were these -- did people get pretty angry
P 97
1     at these staff meetings?
2          A.  Not to my recollection.
   Q.  Who was your closest friend at Castle Park?
15          A.  Kim Brown.
16          Q.  Okay.  Did the staff at Castle Park ever get an
17     in-service about how to conduct staff meetings?
19              MS. LARKINS:  At any time that you were there at
20     Castle Park.
21              THE WITNESS:  An in-service?
23          Q.  Uh-huh.
24          A.  I don't recall a specific in-service on how to
25     conduct staff meetings.  There may have been, but I don't

p 99

1     recall one.
2          Q.  Okay.  After the bilingual program was
3     instituted, was there hostility remaining among the staff
4     toward the bilingual program?
5          A.  I don't believe so.
6          Q.  Okay.  But a bilingual teacher -- the first
7     bilingual teacher was dismissed by the school district,
8     Heather Smith?
9          A.  I don't know if she was dismissed or not.
10          Q.  Okay.  Do you know that I was dismissed by the
11     school district?
"not to my
Robin Donlan was far more
forthcoming when asked about the
2009 ComiCon convention for a
video clip placed on the Internet
by ComicCon.  Robin, an officer of
ComicCon, noted that some people
complained if they weren't treated
"like a special little snowflake."
Robin Donlan $7 million fraud (Wireless Facilities)
Teacher Robin Donlan and the "Castle Park Five" wreaked havoc at Castle Park Elementary in CVESD.
Stutz v. Larkins defamation suit
See also
Maura Larkins deposition

Robin Donlan

Peg Myers

Gina Boyd

Maura Larkins

Robin Donlan

Peg Myers

Gina Boyd  

Linda Watson

Maura Larkins
Depostion of Principal of Castle Park
Elementary September 10, 2002

Page 80 line 19

 Did Robin Colls [AKA Robin
Donlan] ever share with you any kind
information concerning a police report
allegedly, somehow, involving Maura

A.        Actually, that did come up at
some point when she [Robin
talking, but she, herself, said, you
know, you don’t want to hear anything
 And I’m not going to tell you.  I
know that there is something, but I
have no clue what it is.  She didn’t
want me to know.
[Robin is demonstrating awareness of

So she said there’s something
in the police report?

A. It was a personal thing.

Involving something that was a
non-school matter but that Robin Colls
aware of?

A.  Uh-huh.

Was that a yes?

A.  Yes, I do recall hearing something
like that.  
I have no details whatsoever.

Q.  Was this in a face-to-face
conversation with Robin Colls?

A.  Yes.

Q.  And what year was that?

A.  That was the year, I think she told
me about that this year, the year—

Q.  2002?

A.  Two—1999, 2000 school year.  It
was the year before.

Q.  That this occurred?

It occurred in the 1999, 2000
school year.  

Q.  But you found out about it in which

A.  There was an incident that this is
referring to in my belief.  They had a
problem with a staff member the year
before and—that’s what I understood
this to
mean anyway.

Q.  Exhibit 19?  [
Exhibit 19]

Page 82 lines 1-25:

A.  Yes.  It happened in 1999,
September.  [actually, 2000,
It was like the first week back from
 That’s when that happened,
and, I believe, that’s when Robin told
that there was an incident, there was a
personal, a side incident, but she said
you don’t want to know about it

[because it would be a crime to obtain
information?].  And I said no, it’s
personal, doesn’t have anything to do
school, I don’t want to know.

And she told you it involved
some sort of police report or law

A.        I think so, yes.

Q.        Did you ask her how she knew

A.        Uh-uh.

Q.        No?

A.        That was it.  That’s all she said.  
She said I have this thing going on
with her on the side.  Outside of
You don’t want to know about

Q.        Was it an indication that she
had it going on, that it was something

A.        It was a personal issue outside
of school going on with Maura and her
somehow, and I don’t know if it was
her or her family or—but that was it.  
That’s all she said.

Q.        Did Ms. Colls, rather, leave you
with the impression that it was going
on—that somehow,
Ms. Colls was
actually involved in this personal

A.        That she or her family
, you
know, she knows about it or it was—
something else going on outside of

Page 83, lines 1-8:

[A. contd.]  
Something to do with Robin
and or her family
and Maura.  I don’t
know even why I remember that.  
Somehow somebody told me, and I
think it was Robin.

Q.        It had something to do with
either Robin or
a family member of

A.  Yeah.  I think if it was actually
Robin I probably would have wanted
to know,
just natural curiosity.  I
don’t think it was against her.  
I think
it was a family member.
Very certain.  

See the Sept. 2002 deposition of the
principal of Castle Park Elementary
and the
Rick Werlin deposition.

Michael Carlson's sister Robin
Colls/Donlan and other CVESD
employees contradicted themselves
again and again, or contradicted
known facts.  

Their friends, and those who feared
them, also lied.

Gina Boyd, the president of Chula
Vista Educators came to depositions
of Castle Park teachers, to make sure
witnesses didn't tell the truth.  It was
entirely inappropriate of her to
"represent" witnesses against Maura
Larkins, when she was also
"representing" Maura Larkins.  When
this was pointed out to her, Boyd still
refused to leave.

But Gina was not present at the
deposition of the principal of Castle
Park Elementary.  In that deposition,
the truth about the illegally obtained
and distributed police report came

Below is the pertinent part of that
deposition, taken for the Office of
Administrative Hearings, but never
used by Maura Larkins' attorney.
Deposition of the principal of
Castle Park Elementary
for the Office of Administrative
CVESD attorney Mark Bresee listened to
this and other depositions, and then
continued to work to hide crimes.  CVESD
and other districts rely on such attorneys.

See Robin Donlan's response when
confronted with Gretchen Donndelinger's
testimony--bottom of this page.
How certain is it that Michael
Carlson and his sister Robin
Donlan committed perjury in
CVESD case?
San Diego Education
Report Blog
Why This Website

Stutz Artiano
Shinoff & Holtz v.
Maura Larkins



Castle Park
Elementary School

Law Enforcement



Stutz Artiano
Shinoff & Holtz

Silence is Golden

Schools and Violence

Office Admin

Larkins OAH Hearing
San Diego Education Report
San Diego
Education Report
San Diego Education Report
San Diego
Education Report
[Note: No attorney-client privilege
exists if attorney counsels client to
criminal activity.]
Robin Donlan
EXHIBITS:                                                                   PAGE
1  One-page handwritten notes                                 28
2  Copy of a Star News article
August 20, 2004, two pages                                       36
3  One-page memo, February 25, 2002                   42
4  Two-page bilingual flier                                            73
5  Condensed transcript, deposition of
Gretchen Donndelinger, September 10, 2002     124
A master of evasion?  Did she
have a reason to hide the truth?
CVESD Teacher Robin Donlan was supported during the following
deposition by attorneys
Deborah Garvin (lawyer for her brother), Kelly
Angell (Minnehan) of Stutz Artiano Shinoff & Holtz, and Michael Hersh.

P 44
1          Q.  Okay.  Okay.  And did you have any idea what it
2     was about?
3          A.  No.
4          Q.  And when you got there, he said that he had
5     received a letter?
6          A.  Yes.
7          Q.  And what did he say about the letter?  Did he --
8     I'm sorry.  Let me ask this.  This is a better question.
9              Did he show you the letter?
10          A.  No.
14          Q.  Did he tell you anything about the letter?
15          A.  He said that it made reference to a brother that
16     I had in law enforcement, and he asked me if I had a
17     brother who was in law enforcement, and I said yes.
18          Q.  Okay.  Did he tell you anything else about the
19     letter?
20          A.  He shared some of the items in the letter and
21     asked if I knew anything about them.
22          Q.  What were some of the items -- what was one of
23     the items that he shared?
24          A.  That my brother had sent people to your house.
25          Q.  And do you remember anything else he said about
P 45
1     the letter?
2          A.  That he had gotten it in -- as a fax from you, I
3     believe.  But it was something that he received from you
4     and wanted to find out if I actually had a brother who
5     was in law enforcement, which I confirmed.
6          Q.  Okay.  How did you feel as he --
7          A.  Confused.
8          Q.  Okay.  Did you become upset?
11          Q.  Did you become upset when Mr. Werlin was talking
12     to you about this letter?
13          A.  Not that I recall.
14          Q.  Do you recall anything you said to Mr. Werlin?
15          A.  Specific words, no.
16          Q.  Do you recall any general -- do you recall your
17     general response to Mr. Werlin?
18          A.  That I had no idea what the letter was talking
19     about.
25          Q.  During this meeting concerning -- during this
1     meeting that Mr. Werlin called you to attend regarding a
2     letter from me, did you tell Mr. Werlin that you were
3     upset about not having been included in a meeting at
4     Castle Park?
5          A.  I don't recall specifically saying that.
6          Q.  Do you recall ever having been upset about not
7     having been included in a meeting about me at Castle
8     Park?
9          A.  Upset?  No.
10          Q.  Do you recall ever having been concerned about
11     not having been included in a meeting about me at Castle
12     Park?
13          A.  Yes.
14          Q.  Can you tell me about that concern?
15          A.  I was concerned because I wished to relate the
16     incidents that had happened.
17          Q.  Okay.  You used the plural, incidents.  Can you
18     tell me -- you told me -- we started talking about one of
19     them.  Can you tell me another?
20          A.  Yes.  I was falsely accused of moving a notebook
21     and making comments to you which I did not make.
11              Can you tell me this incident, explain what
12     happened?
13          A.  I was called in to a meeting in
14     Dr. Donndelinger's office with myself, other teachers and
15     yourself.  I was accused of moving a notebook from the
16     table to another table and telling you that you could not
17     sit with us.  I explained during the meeting that I did
18     not say these things; I did not move the notebook; no one
19     who was at the table had any recollection of the words
20     being said or my moving the notebook.
21              The resolution of the meeting was that I
22     apologized if you had mistakenly got the impression that
23     we did not want you to sit there or I did not want you to
24     sit at the table with us.  And I had understood at that
25     point that it was resolved.
[She wasn’t apprehensive then????]
1          Q.  Okay.  Okay.  Now, and you -- okay.  Now, I'm
2     going back to something that you said just before we
3     discussed this second incident.  You said that you had
4     wanted to be included at a meeting so you could discuss
5     this incident?
6          A.  (Witness nods head.)
7          Q.  Okay.  Can you tell me another incident?
8          A.  That would be the incident by the white board in
9     the morning where I felt -- I feel that I was unjustly
10     and unprovokedly verbally attacked by you.
11          Q.  Is that that -- are you now talking about the
12     first incident we discussed today earlier?  Because we
13     discussed this -- this sounds exactly like the incident
14     we were discussing a while ago.
15          A.  That would be the incident, yes.
4              MS. LARKINS:  Yes.  Let's call that the white
5     board and Kingdoms incident.  That's a good idea to add
6     that word "Kingdoms."  That helps make it clear.  Okay.
7          Q.  And is there another incident?
8          A.  No.
9          Q.  Okay.  Was there any other interaction you ever
10     had with me that was negative?
17          Q.  Were there any incidents other than the white
18     board/Kingdoms incident and the notebook incident during
19     the time you and I taught at Castle Park that you
20     consider to have been negative between you and me?
21          A.  Not to my recollection.

[This doesn’t make sense.  She may have wanted to stop situation--which
she had criminally started--from blowing up.]

22          Q.  Okay.  So when you wanted to be included in a
23     meeting at Castle Park about me, you wanted to discuss
24     the white board incident and the notebook incident?
25        A.  Yes.

never say anything, to not be around.  She wanted total control.These two
tiny incidents don’t explain her extreme upset.  She was upset that the
whole thing was blowing up, Werlin and Kelly Angell had blown it up.]

P 50
1          Q.  Okay.  Let's go back to that white board
2     incident.
4     Let me try to remember where we left of.  We
5     left off where you were standing or sitting next to the
6     white board, and you said there were other people there
7     in the room?
8          A.  Uh-huh.
9          Q.  Do you remember who those other people were?
10          A.  I remember a couple of them, yes.
11          Q.  Who were they?
12          A.  Victoria Singleton, Kim Brown.  I believe Linda
13     Kandel  was there.  There were others, but I don't recall
14     specifically.
[She and Kim also reported Victoria.]
15          Q.  Okay.  Then did you say anything?
18          Q.  Okay.  Then what happened?
19          A.  From what point?
20          Q.  Well, how did -- I believe you referred to --
21     you said that there was a confrontation with me.  Could
22     you tell me how that began?
23          A.  The confrontation portion or -- there were two
24     portions to that incident.
25          Q.  How about you tell me the first one.
P 51
1          A.  There was a change in the -- a change, and then
2     a change back in the Kingdoms schedule for that day.  It
3     was noted on the board that the Kingdoms would be a video
4     that we were all to watch for that afternoon.  You became
5     very upset at this and seemed to be more upset than the
6     situation required.  Another teacher made a comment to
7     you that it was only -- was a video; it was very simple
8     to turn on the TV.  You remarked to that teacher that you
9     thought her -- her comment was not very polite.  You left
10     the room.  You returned a few moments later and started
11     verbally attacking me about that you hoped that me and
12     Joe Ellen were happy and that we were out -- I don't
13     recall the specific words, but it was very aggressive,
14     very aggressive posture, very aggressive stance, very
15     accusatory that somehow I had done something to change
16     the Kingdoms on purpose to frustrate your lesson plan for
17     the day.
18              My response, while being shocked, was that I had
19     nothing to do with Kingdoms; that I was on the budget
20     committee, and I asked you to stop yelling at me.
21          Q.  Okay.  I'm interested in the first part of your
22     response.  Was Victoria Singleton the other teacher?
23          A.  Yes.
24          Q.  And was she rude to me?
[She admits I was attacked at that time.  She always runs and reports
everything. See Gretchen Donndelinger testimony and my testimony at OAH
hearing.  Robin spoke very loudly and domineeringly.]
25          A.  She was rude to many people, but, yeah, she was
P 52
1     a little out of line, yes.
2          Q.  Okay.  And did you ever tell anyone that you
3     thought she was rude to me?
4          A.  I may have told Dr. Donndelinger when I spoke to
5     her about the incident, yes.
6          Q.  Uh-huh.  At that time did you say that I was
7     rude to -- that I -- did you tell Dr. Donndelinger that I
8     had said that Victoria was rude?
9          A.  Yes.  You said to Victoria that she was rude or
10     impolite or -- I don't remember the exact words.  You
11     addressed her by name; you said that you thought that she
12     was rude, impolite, and you left the room.
13          Q.  Okay.  Now, this incident caused you to fear me?
14          A.  No.  The second incident caused me to fear you,
15     yes.  The verbal attack after you had returned to the
16     room.
20              THE WITNESS:  The second part of that incident.
[She’s deluded--or lying.  In fact, I never spoke to her again.  It was JoEllen who
confronted me a little bit later. JoEllen approached me to justify herself and I
walked away.   I think Robin went in and talked to principal right then, at recess.  
Or maybe she waited until lunch, after talking to JoEllen.  Gretchen wrote me a
note and spoke to me at lunch.]
23              THE WITNESS:  When Mrs. Larkins verbally
24     attacked me unprovoked.
25              MS. ANGELL:  When she returned to the room on
1     the same day?
2              THE WITNESS:  Yes.
5          Q.  Then what happened?
6          A.  Then what happened from what point?
7          Q.  After I allegedly verbally attacked you.
8          A.  You left the room.  I went and expressed my
9     concerns to Dr. Donndelinger.
10          Q.  Okay.  Did you -- okay.  That's fine.  Okay.
11              And this incident made you afraid of me.  What
12     did you fear that I would --
21          Q.  Okay.  After this incident, what were you afraid
22     of that I might do to you?
1              THE WITNESS:  That another unprovoked response
2     or unprovoked attack would occur.
4          Q.  A verbal attack?
5          A.  Verbal mostly, yes.  Any type of attack.  I
6     don't know.
7          Q.  Did you fear that I might attack you physically?
8          A.  Not at that time, no.
9          Q.  Okay.  After I allegedly yelled at you in the
10     white board/Kingdoms incident, you were not afraid that I
11     would attack you physically?
14          Q.  Is that correct?
15          A.  I was afraid that your behavior was
16     unpredictable and not rational.  I don't know
17     specifically whether it would just pertain to verbal or
18     physical as well.
19          Q.  Okay.  I'm really trying to get your state of
20     mind at that time.  Okay.
21              Now, a minute ago you said you were not afraid
22     of me physically at that time after that incident, and
23     now you're saying maybe you were?
24          A.  I don't specifically recall making any
25     statements that I was afraid of you physically, but I'm
1     not sure.  I mean unpredictable behavior is unpredictable
2     behavior.
3          Q.  Okay.  What -- okay.  Anyway, at some point in
4     time you began to fear that I might physically attack
5     you?
6          A.  Not specifically, but unpredictable behavior is
7     unpredictable behavior.
8          Q.  Okay.  Okay.  So may I -- okay.  Were you afraid
9     because you felt uncertain about my behavior?
10          A.  Could you clarify that, please.
11          Q.  Were you -- okay.  Is it fair to say that you
12     were worried that I might verbally attack you?  After
13     that incident you were afraid that I might verbally
14     attack you?
15          A.  That more unpredictable behavior would follow,
16     might follow.  No specifics on what type of behavior that
17     might be.
18          Q.  But I want to know what you feared.
24          Q.  You're saying that you don't know what you
25     feared.  I'm asking you to try to remember what it was
1     that you feared.
4              THE WITNESS:  I did answer that.
6          Q.  I really need to hear the answers again, because
7     I really do not know what the answer is.
8          A.  I feared that more un -- that unpredictable
9     behavior -- unprovoked unpredictable behavior would occur
10     again.  There were no specifics of what type of behavior
11     I feared.
12              MS. ANGELL:  Do you mean you didn't tell anybody
13     specifically what behavior, or you weren't sure --
14              THE WITNESS:  I was just not sure.  I did not
15     know what I might expect.
17          Q.  Okay.  Did you think I might bring a gun to
18     school and shoot you?
19          A.  No.
20          Q.  Did you think I might punch you in the nose?
21          A.  I don't know.  Unpredictable behavior is
22     unpredictable behavior.  I have no specific things that I
23     was afraid of.
24          Q.  Would it be fair to say you just had a
25     generalized anxiety directed towards me?
P 57
6          Q.  After this incident -- this white board/Kingdoms
7     incident, did you feel anxious around me?
8          A.  Yes.
She felt vindictive
9          Q.  When you felt anxious around me, was there a
10     specific action on my part that you feared?
11          A.  No.  Other than unpredictable behavior, but
12     nothing specific, no.
13          Q.  Okay.  Were you afraid that I might report your
14     aggressive behavior toward me?
15          A.  No.
22          Q.  Okay.  I'd like to -- do you recall which one of
23     these two incidents happened first, the notebook incident
24     or the white board/Kingdoms incident?
25          A.  The notebook incident.
1          Q.  Okay.  And did you feel falsely accused after
2     the notebook incident?
3          A.  I've already stated that, yes.
4          Q.  Okay.  At that time after the notebook incident,
5     were you afraid that I might start yelling at you?
6          A.  No.
10          Q.  Okay.  Were you afraid that I might truthfully
11     accuse you?
12          A.  No.
13          Q.  Okay.  Going back to that notebook incident, do
14     you remember sitting at a table before an in-service?
16          Q.  During that meeting where I allegedly falsely
17     accused you -- regarding which I allegedly falsely
18     accused you?
19          A.  Do I recall sitting at a table before that
20     meeting?  Yes.
24          Q.  Okay.  And was I sitting at that table?
25          A.  No.
P 59
1          Q.  Had I made any attempt to sit at that table?
2          A.  I don't know that you made an attempt to sit at
3     the table.  You came to the table looking for your
4     notebook.
5          Q.  Did you tell me to go over -- go over there and
6     point to the kindergarten table?
7          A.  I don't recall what I said specifically, but I
8     don't recall telling you to go over somewhere.  I may
9     have referred that your notebook might be over there, but
10     I don't recall telling you to go sit somewhere else, no.
11          Q.  Was Rick Denmen sitting next to you at the time?
12          A.  I don't know where Rick Denmen was sitting.  He
13     was at the table, but I don't recall who was sitting next
14     to me.
15          Q.  At the meeting that -- and the meeting -- at the
16     meeting about this incident did you say, "Rick Denmen
17     always gets me in trouble"?
18          A.  Probably.
19              MS. ANGELL:  I'm going to instruct the witness
20     to answer what you know or what you don't know as opposed
21     to guessing.
22              THE WITNESS:  I don't recall specifically making
23     that statement, but I have made that statement, yes.
P 60
2          Q.  Can you tell me about another time when you made
3     that statement?
4          A.  After more than one staff meeting.
5          Q.  Is Rick Denmen your friend?
6          A.  Yes.
7          Q.  Okay.  Do you discuss school issues together?
8     Or when you were working at Castle Park, did you discuss
9     school issues together?
10          A.  Occasionally.
11          Q.  Did he talk to you about me?
12          A.  Not to my recollection.
20          Q.  The anxiety that you felt regarding me, did that
21     become more severe over time?
22          A.  No.
23          Q.  Okay.  Did you think I was crazy?
P 61
3          Q.  When you say you believed that I was
4     unpredictable, how did you come to that conclusion?
5          A.  That was based on your behavior towards me
6     during the white board incident.
[after she had brought arrest records to school—she feared I would find out—
also, she was very aggressive, booming voice telling everyone within 20 yards
what was going to happen, Gina refused to ameliorate the harassment of me.]
7          Q.  Okay.  During the white board incident were you
8     afraid that I might report that you were aggressive
9     toward me?
10          A.  No.

Robin depo reTim allen and fear unpredictable

11          Q.  Okay.  Did you ever tell Tim Allen that you
12     thought I might bring a gun to school?
13          A.  No,
not to my recollection.
17          Q.  Did you tell Tim Allen what you were afraid I
18     was going to do?
19          A.  I don't recall specifically what I told Tim
20     Allen except for that I was apprehensive about you.
21          Q.  Okay.  And at this time you told Tim Allen this,
22     I was not employed at Castle Park, was I?
23          A.  No.
24          Q.  Were you afraid I might come to Castle Park?
P 62
2          A.  I had no feelings whatsoever about you coming to
3     Castle Park or not.
4          Q.  What were you apprehensive of when you told
5     Tim --
6          A.  The unpredictable behavior on your part towards
7     me.
8          Q.  I hadn't -- I hadn't appeared at Castle Park for
9     many, many months at the time you reported this to
10     Mr. Allen, right?
11          A.  (Witness nods head.)

17              MS. ANGELL:  I'm going to instruct the witness
18     that questions that seek to invade an attorney-client
19     privilege, which would mean meetings where counsel was
20     present, are not to be answered.
21              THE WITNESS:  Okay.
23          Q.  Why did you discuss me with Tim Allen?

P 63
[Maura Larkins' note: was Donlan afraid her reputation would be harmed by
true allegations in my lawsuit, and wanted to smear me?]

2          Q.  Why did you talk to Tim Allen about me when Tim
3     Allen was principal of Castle Park Elementary?
4          A.  It was concerning a meeting with the attorney
5     and I choose not to answer.
8              MS. ANGELL:  Do you need to talk to me for a
9     second?
10              THE WITNESS:  No.  You instructed me not to
11     answer questions that had to do with meetings where
12     counsel was present.
13              MS. ANGELL:  Let's go off for a second.  I'll
14     see if I can get it cleared up.
18              VIDEOGRAPHER:  Off the record.
19             (Recess taken.)

24          Q.  When you told Tim Allen that you were
25     apprehensive about me, was there an attorney present?

1          A.  No.
2          Q.  Okay.  Why did you tell Tim Allen that you were
3     apprehensive about me?
4          A.  He asked me.
5          Q.  Okay.  Do you recall exactly how he asked it?
6          A.  No.
7          Q.  Had he heard from someone else that you were
8     apprehensive about me?
14              THE WITNESS:  I don't know.
16          Q.  How did he begin the conversation?
21              THE WITNESS:  I don't recall precisely how the
22     conversation began.
24          Q.  Is he the one who brought up my name during that
25     conversation?
1          A.  I believe so.
2          Q.  Is it possible that you were the one that
3     brought up my name?
5              THE WITNESS:  I don't know.
7          Q.  Okay.  Are you certain that he was the one who
8     brought up my name during that conversation?
9          A.  No, I'm not certain that he is the one.

Note this passage from page 109:
9          Q.  Do you think Ollie Matos is apprehensive about
10     your returning to Castle Park Elementary and doing
11     something unpredictable?

25          Q.  Okay.  When Tim Allen was principal at Castle

1     Park, about how often did you become apprehensive about
2     me?
3          A.  I don't recall making note of occurrences of
4     apprehension.
5          Q.  Would you say it was a rare event?
6          A.  No.  I don't believe there were events.
7          Q.  The event I'm referring to is your feeling
8     apprehensive about me.  Was that a rare event?
9          A.  No.
10          Q.  Was it a common event?
11          A.  Yes.
12          Q.  Okay.  Did you feel constantly apprehensive
13     about me?
14          A.  I don't recall specifically.
15          Q.  Okay.  What were you afraid of that I would do?
16          A.  Exhibit more unpredictable behavior.
17          Q.  Where were you afraid that I would exhibit this
18     behavior?
19          A.  I had no specific location that I was concerned
20     about.
21          Q.  Did you think I would exhibit this behavior in a
22     location where you were located?
23          A.  Yes.
24          Q.  Okay.  Did you think I would seek you out?
25          A.  I did not speculate on that, no.

p 67

1          Q.  Did you think I might accidentally come across
2     you?
3          A.  I did not speculate on that.
4          Q.  Did you think that somehow you and I would be
5     together and I would behave unpredictably?
6          A.  I didn't specifically speculate on that.
7              I guess I'm not understanding the question being
8     asked.
9          Q.  Okay.  Let me try.  Were you afraid that somehow
10     you and I would end up at the same location and I would
11     behave unpredictably?
12          A.  Yes.

17          Q.  Would you say that this was kind of a mild
18     anxiety in the back of your mind?
19              MS. ANGELL:  Objection.  Calls for expert
20     testimony.  This person has not been established to be a
21     psychiatrist, psychotherapist or anything like that, and
22     it sounds to me like you're talking about medical
23     diagnoses.

Lots of don’t recalls
24          Q.  Did you find out at some time that I had filed a
25     lawsuit?
1          Q.  Let's see.  Let's not use the word "anxiety."
2     Let's say did you feel stressed about the possibility
3     that I might somehow appear and act unpredictable?
4          A.  At times, yes.
5          Q.  Okay.  How often did these times occur?
6          A.  I've not really speculated on that.
7          Q.  Uh-huh.  And this anxiety stemmed simply from
8     this white board/Kingdoms incident; is that correct?
9          A.  Yes.
10          Q.  And you were afraid that I might do something
11     worse than yell at you?
12          A.  I didn't say that.
13          Q.  Were you afraid that I might do something worse
14     than yell at you?
15          A.  I was afraid that you would exhibit more
16     unpredictable behavior.
17          Q.  Okay.  In other words, you thought I might --
18     you were afraid -- were you afraid that I would exhibit
19     behavior which you had never experienced me exhibiting
20     before?
24              MS. ANGELL:  Do you understand the question?
25              THE WITNESS:  No.
p 69
7          Q.  When you were feeling apprehensive about me when
8     Tim Allen was principal, did you think I might exhibit
9     behavior which I had never before exhibited?
10          A.  I don't know what behavior you had exhibited
11     before, so I have no -- I need you to clarify that.  Do
12     you mean exhibited to me?
13          Q.  Yes.  I mean to you.
14          A.  Yes.  That would go along with unpredictable
15     behavior.
16          Q.  Okay.  I'm going to leave that for a while.
17              Did you ask Tim Allen to get a restraining order
18     against me?
19          A.  No.
20          Q.  Did you ask Tim Allen to make sure that I didn't
21     come on the school grounds?
22          A.  Not to my recollection.
23          Q.  Did you tell Tim Allen about the white board
24     incident?
25          A.  I don't recall.
1          Q.  Did you give any reason to Tim Allen for your
2     apprehension about me?
3          A.  I don't recall specific reasons.
4          Q.  If you had given him a reason for your
5     apprehension about me, it would have been the white board
6     incident, correct?

11          Q.  When I was working at Castle Park and Gretchen
12     Donndelinger was working at Castle Park,
did you ever
13     talk to her about a police report involving me or anyone
14     connected with me?
15          A.  No.
16          Q.  Did you ever tell her that you knew something
17     about me, but you -- she wouldn't want to know it?
18          A.  No.
19          Q.  Did you ever tell her that there was some sort
20     of non-school relationship between my family and your
21     family?
22          A.  Not to my recollection, no.
7          Q.  Did you ever talk to Gretchen Donndelinger
8     without an attorney present about me at any other time
9     other than the times you were discussing the white board
10     incident and the notebook incident?
11          A.  I don't recall any, no.
12          Q.  Okay.  If you had knowledge about a police
13     report about a teacher at your school, is that something
14     you'd be likely to remember?
15          A.  Probably.
16          Q.  Okay.  Did you ever speak to Chris Moran, a
17     Union-Tribune reporter?
18          A.  I don't know.  I may have.
19          Q.  Okay.  Did you speak to any Union-Tribune
20     reporter regarding your transfer out of Castle Park
21     Elementary?
22          A.  Yes.
19          Q.  Did you talk to a Union-Tribune reporter about
20     your transfer from Castle Park Elementary?
23          Q.  Since last August.
24          A.  I don't recall the exact date, but yes.
25          Q.  Okay.  Did you talk to more than one
1     Union-Tribune reporter?
2          A.  No.
3          Q.  Okay.  Did you call the reporter or did the
4     reporter call you?
5          A.  I did not call the reporter; the reporter did
6     not call me.
7          Q.  Did you talk to the reporter in person?
8          A.  Yes.
9          Q.  Okay.  Where were you when you talked to the
10     reporter?
11          A.  I was at Castle Park Elementary School.
12          Q.  Okay.  At what time of day was it?
13          A.  I don't recall specifically.  It was in the
14     evening.
15          Q.  Okay.  And was this at a rally to protest your
16     transfer?
17          A.  It was at a rally to inform the parents about
18     the transfer.
21              (Exhibit 4 marked for identification.)
P 74
6          Q.  Did you prepare this document?
7          A.  Yes, I did.
8          Q.  Do you feel that it is wrong for someone to be
9     transferred without being told why?
10          A.  Without being told why and -- if I -- I need
11     more clarification.
14          Q.  Okay.  Did you write this document in order to
15     protest your transfer out of Castle Park Elementary
16     School?
17          A.  I wrote this document to make parents aware of a
18     meeting that was being held to inform the public, the
19     parents of Castle Park Elementary School about our
20     transfer and what they could to do to prevent it if they
21     so chose.
22          Q.  Did you want the parents to prevent your
23     transfer?
24          A.  Yes.
25          Q.  Okay.  Did you think your transfer was wrong?
P 75
1              MS. ANGELL:  Objection.  Vague and ambiguous;
2     calls for a legal conclusion.
4          Q.
 Did you think that you're transfer was morally
5     wrong?
6              MR. HERSH:  Calls for a theological expert
7     response.
9          Q.  How did you feel about your transfer?
10          A.  I felt it was sudden and without appropriate
11     reason.
12          Q.  Okay.  Have you ever become aware at any time
13     before today that I was taken out of my classroom and
14     placed on administrative leave without being told why?
15          A.  No.
16          Q.  Were you ever aware until today -- before today
17     that I was taken out of my classroom at Castle Park and
18     placed on administrative leave?
6              THE WITNESS:  We knew -- I was aware you were on
7     leave.  I did not know the specifics pertaining to that
8     leave, no.
P 77
11          Q.  Okay.  I am hoping that you'll be able to think
12     back and try to remember the very first time.  And I
13     would imagine it would be a memorable moment, because
14     it's pretty unusual for a teacher to be placed on
15     administrative leave.
4              MS. LARKINS:  Okay.  This litigation,
5     Ms. Angell, was filed -- well, actually it was filed in
6     January of 2002, but it wasn't served until about March
7     12, 2002.  And I don't think that Ms. Donlan became aware
8     of this litigation until March 12, 2002.
9              Now, I was placed on administrative leave the
10     first time on February 12, 2001, so we are talking about
11     a period of over a year before there was any litigation,
12     any attorneys, any attorney-client privilege.  And of
13     course Ms. Donlan wants to tell us the truth here.
14          Q.  So I need to ask you during the period of time
15     between February 12, 2001 and the time in 2002 when you
16     discovered that I had filed a lawsuit, did you ever find
17     out that I had been placed on administrative leave?
24          Q.  Did you find out at some time that I had filed a
25     lawsuit?

P 79

2              THE WITNESS:  Yes.
4          Q.  Okay.  How soon after teachers were served at
5     Castle Park Elementary did you find out that they had
6     been served?
7          A.  I don't recall.
8          Q.  Okay.  Do you think it was pretty soon after?
9          A.  I don't recall.
15          Q.  When you were at Castle Park, was there a
16     table -- a certain table in the teachers' lounge that you
17     liked to sit at?
18          A.  Yes.
19          Q.  Okay.  Were there other teachers who frequently
20     sat there with you?
21          A.  Yes.
22          Q.  Could you tell me who those teachers were?
23          A.  It varied from day to day.
24          Q.  Who were the most like -- who sat there with you
25     more often -- most often?
P 80
1          A.  My assistant Kim Brown.  Occasionally Victoria
2     Singleton would sit there.  Occasionally Mimi January,
3     Linda Kandel, sometime -- generally Virginia Copeland.
4     Occasionally Terry Coffey.
11          Q.  How do you feel about principal Ollie Matos?
19              THE WITNESS:  I'm curious as to why my feelings
20     about Mr. Matos are relevant.
21              MS. ANGELL:  Well, you don't get to ask those
22     kinds of questions, but -- because I think her --
25              MS. ANGELL:  I'm just raising the relevance
P 81
1     objection again because we moved away from the transfer
2     issue I think for a little bit, and I think you are
3     moving back toward there, so it would be another one of
4     those relevance objections.
5              MS. LARKINS:  I believe that Robin Donlan's
6     attitudes toward Ollie Matos are typical of her attitudes
7     toward quite a few people, and I believe she has sought
8     to damage him in a similar way that she sought to damage
9     me.
10              MS. ANGELL:  Move to strike.  No question
11     pending.
12              MS. LARKINS:  I was talking to you.
13              MS. ANGELL:  I don't understand what you're
14     saying.  It sounds like you're testifying.
15              MS. LARKINS:  No.  
You wanted to know how this
16     was relevant, and I'm just telling you that.
24              MS. LARKINS:  I believe that conspiracy to
25     commit slander was one of the causes of action.
P 82
1              MS. ANGELL:  That's alleged against Ms. Donlan
2     and Mr. Carlson.
3              MS. LARKINS:  Exactly.  I believe that
4     Ms. Donlan has a pattern of behavior of conspiracy to
5     commit slander and slander.  That's why I think this
6     question is relevant.
7              MS. ANGELL:  Okay.  Go ahead.
10          Q.
 How do you feel about Ollie Matos?
13          A.  I do not care for him.
14          Q.  Could you tell me why not?
15          A.  I do not feel that he is an effective
16     administrator.
17          Q.  Why not?
18          A.  Because he has proven on more than one occasion
19     to not be completely truthful, and I believe truthfulness
20     is very important -- an important administrative quality.
21          Q.  Do you believe truthfulness is important for
22     teachers?
23          A.  I believe truthfulness is important for
24     everyone.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
First mention of "whiteboard incident"
Robin’s claimed fear of me due to two incidents
P 25
12          Q.  Did you tell Tim Allen that you were
afraid of
13     me?
14          A.  I don't recall specifically.
15          Q.  Have you ever been afraid of me?
16          A.  Yes.
P  26
9          Q.  When were you first afraid of me?
10          A.  I first became concerned after an
incident in
11     the staff lounge where you confronted me
in front of many
12     people there unprovoked.
13          Q.  Okay.  By unprovoked, do you
mean that you had
14     not said anything?
15          A.  Not at that moment, no.
16          Q.  About how long before this alleged
17     had you said something?
18          A.  Probably 10, 15 minutes.  Maybe
longer.  I don't
19     recall exactly the time.
20          Q.  How long did this confrontation
21          A.  Probably about five minutes.
22          Q.  Okay.  And do you remember what
you were doing
23     before this confrontation began?
24          A.  I was standing in the lounge talking
to people.
25          Q.  Do you remember where you were
P 27
1          A.  I was standing behind one of the
tables near the
2     white board.
3          Q.  Uh-huh.  And you're sure you
weren't sitting?
4          A.  I'm not sure I wasn't sitting.
20          Q.  Do you remember when this
21          A.  It was in the morning.
22          Q.  Okay.  Do you remember what
23          A.  Not specifically.
24          Q.  Can you relate it to some other
25          A.  It was when Dr. Donndelinger was
P 28
1          Q.  Okay.  And was there any personnel
action taken
2     against me shortly after this?
8          A.  I don't recall when you stopped
working at
9     Castle Park Elementary School.
10          Q.  Okay.  Okay.  Let's go back to this
11     Okay.  Dr. Donndelinger was principal,
and you were
12     standing or sitting next to the white board
and it was in
13     the morning.  I'm going to see if I can help
out here.
14     Do you think this might have been around
-- on or about
15     January 17th or so, maybe January 16th
of 2001?
16          A.  I wouldn't know.  I don't have any
17     of the date.
19              MS. ANGELL:  Do you need some
water or anything?
20             (Brief interruption.)
24             (Exhibit 1 marked for identification.)
P 29
2          Q.  Would you please read the first two
lines on
3     this document.
4          A.  "January 16th; controversy on
Kingdom day; on
5     schedule, not in bulletin.  January 17th;
6     Robin, Kim informing everyone."
P 31
15          Q.  Does this document appear to you
to describe the
16     confrontation that you have -- between
yourself and me
17     which you have been talking about?
18          A.  Describe?  No.
19          Q.  Does it appear to refer to that
20          A.  Refer, yes.
21          Q.  Okay.  So in this line that says,
22     Robin/Kim informing everyone," you have
a suspicion that
23     that Robin refers to you?
24          A.  I do.
25          Q.  And who do you think Kim refers
P 32
1          A.  Kim Brown.
2          Q.  And who is she?
3          A.  She is a special day class assistant.
4          Q.  Okay.  Is she a friends of yours?
5          A.  Yes.
6          Q.  Okay.  Do you have a close working
7          A.  Not currently.
8          Q.  Well, when you were working
together, did you
9     have a close working relationship?
10          A.  Yes.
p. 82
Donlan on truthfulness
[Robin Donlan, who had seniority, claimed that
she wanted the position Heather Coman was
going to move into.  

When Heather left, Donlan withdrew her claim on
the position.  

It would appear that her only reason for asking for
the position was to push Heather Coman out of
the school.]
[The following news story came out two years after Robin Donlan
revealed her relationship with PTA president Kim Simmons in this

Former president of PTA is arrested
November 17, 2006

CHULA VISTA – A former PTA president at Castle Park Elementary School has been
arrested on suspicion of embezzling thousands of dollars from the school, a police
spokesman said.

Kimberlee Simmons, 43, of Chula Vista was arrested by Chula Vista police Nov. 3, said
police spokesman Bernard Gonzales.

Gonzales said Simmons is suspected of stealing $10,000 to $20,000 from the school.
Simmons visited police headquarters for questioning and by the end of the interview
police decided they had enough information to arrest her, Gonzales said.

Simmons was booked into Las Colinas Detention Facility but released the same day, a
jail spokesman said.

Police have submitted the results of their investigation to the district attorney's office.

A deputy district attorney said yesterday that no charg-es have been filed against
Simmons while his office considers the case.

–        Chris Moran

I wasn’t present for that.

Page 87
The following year did you come to the lounge dressed in a
raincoat in the expectation of having another food fight?
I don’t recall.


Page 88

Gretchen Donndelinger
Did you ever have problems with her when she refused to suspend
a student you wanted suspended?

Page 89
Were you ever unhappy with Gretchen Donndelinger when she
refused to suspend one of your students whom you wanted
I was—I wouldn’t say unhappy.  I wasn’t pleased.

[Maura Larkins' note: Ms. Donlan, was, in fact, speechless with
rage, running into the staff lounge and leaning back against a wall
for support because she was so distraught.  Two teachers went to
her to hear Donlan's complaints about Gretchen Donndelinger.]

I wasn’t pleased.
Did you ever ask Gina Boyd to come to Castle Park have a meeting

Page 90
I don’t recall

It might have happened

Line 17 Gina Boyd was supportive of everybody who was at Castle
Park in my belief.
[Maura Larkins' note: I guess I wasn’t anybody!]

Page 91
Did you discuss Gretchen Donndelinger’s failings?

Ollie Matos

Page 92
Mr. Perez

Do you believe Ollie Matos should be fired?

Removed from Castle Park

Most likely be a better fit at a different school
His skills better suited to a different type of staff than Castle Park

Castle Park is an independent staff, the staff as a whole is pretty
much involved in decision making

He might be better suited

Page 84

Did you ever give a written statement about me
to Gretchen Donndelinger?
[exhibit 14]

Line 9 I have a pretty good memory for certain

Line 13  Do you frequently give written
statements about other teachers to principals?
So it would stand out in your mind?
I don’t know

Line 19  Did you ever tell anyone that you were a victim of me?
[notes of March 2001 CVE meeting]
Tape 2
One way to get rid of  a teacher who's not
adequately supportive of your politics:  

Page 85

I enquired about a fourth grade opening that was becoming

Do you remember how that opening became available

I believe
Al Smith was transferred to third grade

Do you remember a year when a new portable was brought to
Castle Park School

Page 86
Why did you decide not to switch?

I did not make that decision.
 Dr. Donndelinger made
that decision.

Were you unhappy

I was disappointed

Are you now teaching a regular fourth grade class?

Page 94

"I really didn't have any opinion about it at all"

[Robin appears very angry, deeply downward lines on mouth,
when discussing my handing out fliers.]

Did you... hand out fliers?

Page 95
Certain parents, Gina Boyd, Peg Myers

Were you trying to prove to the principal that you could be
there and he couldn’t get rid of you?

Holding up signs

‘Support the teachers”
What did that mean?
Support the teachers who were transferred

Page 96  16:13
Did people get pretty angry

Page 97 16:14:25
Line 1  At these staff meetings?
Line 2  Not to my recollection.
Rule established
Staff meetings

Page 98
[No one claims to remember James Barron Stark inservice.]

I don’t recall.

Page 99  
Hostility remaining
Heather Smith
Robin Donlan deposition
page 92 line 25
Are you acquainted with PTA president
Kim Simmons?
1          A.  Yes.
2          Q.  How long have you known her?
3          A.  Approximately two years.
4          Q.  How did you first become acquainted?
5          A.  I don't recall.
6          Q.  Has she ever called you up to report events at
7     Castle Park since you left?
8          A.  Yes.
9          Q.  About how often?
10          A.  Occasionally, not very often.
11      Q.  Have you suggested to her actions that she might
12     take at Castle Park since you left?
13          A.  Yes.
14          Q.  What actions were those?
 A.  I suggested at one incident that she call Gina
16     Boyd.
17          Q.  What incident was that?
18          A.  It was the incident where you were handing out
19     literature on the campus to the students.
20          Q.  Okay.
21          A.  The literature had Gina Boyd's name on it.
22          Q.  Uh-huh.  How did you feel about that?
25          Q.  How did you feel about me handing out literature

P 94

1     that had Gina Boyd's name on it?
2          A.  You're entitled to your opinion.  But opinion is
3     opinion.

[Robin appears very angry in the video, with deeply downward
lines on mouth.]

4          Q.  It didn't bother you at all?
5          A.  I really didn't have any opinion about it at
6     all.
7          Q.  Did you have any feelings about it?
8          A.  (Witness shakes head.)
9              I didn't -- I failed to understand the purpose,
10     but your opinion is your opinion.  You're entitled to it.
11          Q.  Okay.  And what other reports has Kim Simmons
12     made to you about Castle Park since you left?
13          A.  She called to ask me if I knew two gentlemen
14     that had attended a PTA meeting, which I did not.
15          Q.  Was she concerned about these two gentlemen?
16          A.  You would have to ask her that.
17          Q.  Did she tell you she was worried about these two
18     gentlemen?
19          A.  No.  She did not know who they were.  She asked
20     me if I knew who they were and why they were there, and I
21     said no.
    Q.  Did you go to curriculum night at Castle Park
23     recently and hand out fliers?
24          A.  For Jill Galvez, yes.  She was running for the
25     school board seat that is currently occupied by Patrick

P 95

1     Judd.
2          Q.  Why did you choose Castle Park as a place to
3     hand out your fliers that night?
4          A.  I -- I saw no reason not to.
5          Q.  Who was with you when you were handing out the
6     fliers?
7          A.  Certain parents, Gina Boyd, other people I don't
8     recall specifically, and Peg Myers.
9          Q.  Okay.  Peg Myers was also recently transferred
10     from Castle Park, wasn't she?
11          A.  Yes, she was.
12          Q.  Were you trying to prove to the principal that
13     you could be there and he couldn't get rid of you?
[It was difficult getting answers to my questions, but things
eventually got quite interesting.]

...[page] 30...
16          Q.  Does this appear to you to be Page 5 of a series
17     of documents?
18          A.  I have no idea.
19          Q.  What do you think the 5 means?
20          A.  I don't know.
P 36
1              Do you understand what "program" means?
2              THE WITNESS:  No.

16          Q.  Were programs such as Kingdoms started at Castle
17     Park without the approval of the staff?... When Dr. Donndelinger was
P 35  

12         [ Donlan]  Does it make me angry if a principal starts a
13     program without the approval of the staff?
 [Donlan]   Angry?  No.

16          Q.  Does it make you angry if a principal stops a
17     program without the approval of the staff at a school at
18     which you are working?

19          A.  Angry?  No.

20          Q.  How does it make you feel when a principal stops
21     a program at a school at which you are working without
22     the approval of the staff?

23              MS. ANGELL:  Objection.  It's vague and
24     ambiguous as to "program."  I don't understand what
25     you're talking about.

p 36

1       [Ms. Angell, the witness' own attorney, questions the
witness!] Do you understand what "program" means?

2              THE WITNESS:  No.

[Robin’s leaving Castle Park]
P 36
10          Q.  Did there come a time
11     when you stopped working at Castle Park Elementary
12     School?
13          A.  Yes.
14          Q.  When was that time?
15          A.  August --
16              MS. ANGELL:  And I'm going to object here on
17     privacy and on relevance.  And if you'd like to make an
18     offer of proof as to why this is relevant to the
19     litigation, I'm all ears.
20              MS. LARKINS:  Or otherwise you're going to
21     instruct her not to answer the question?  Okay.
22              I would like to say something about privacy.
23     I'd like to ask that this document be entered as Exhibit
24     2.
25             (Exhibit 2 marked for identification.)
P 37
18              My entire case rests on events which happened at
19     Chula Vista Elementary School District after the acts
20     were committed that I have alleged in my complaint.  I
21     had no idea that the acts were being committed at the
22     time they were committed.  It wasn't until long after
23     that I became aware.  Everything in my case rests on the
24     bizarre behavior of Chula Vista Elementary School
25     District employees after I alleged that some of these
P 38
1     employees violated Section 432.7 of the Labor Code.
2              You have just made a claim of privacy regarding
3     Robin Donlan's leaving Castle Park, and yet Robin Donlan
4     herself caused her name to be repeated again and again in
5     the Star News and the Union-Tribune.  She has totally
6     lost any right to privacy by the fact that she herself
7     has discussed widely, including going back to Castle Park
8     on curriculum night and talking to teachers and talking
9     to parents and making as public as possible her -- the
10     circumstances under which she left Castle Park.
16              MS. LARKINS:  Well, one of my allegations is
17     that Ms. Donlan and other teachers who were involved in
18     egregious clique behavior behaved very abusively to
19     principals and teachers, and that that is why Castel Park
20     could not function with Robin Donlan on staff and --
P  39
12              MS. LARKINS:  My proof of the conspiracy and
13     Labor Code violations is -- rests on the behavior of
14     Robin Donlan and others at Chula Vista Elementary School
15     District.
16              MS. ANGELL:  So what does that have to do with
17     Ms. Donlan's employment status now?

18              MS. LARKINS:  This is powerful -- a powerful
19     indication that Robin Donlan is very confrontational.
20     She has an enormous amount of hostility.  
She is
21     perfectly happy to destroy the reputations of
22     people.  And this here is proof -- well, it's proof
of a
23     pattern of behavior of Robin Donlan of basically
24     character assassination and efforts to destroy
25     careers of others.
P 40
1              MS. ANGELL:  So you want to ask Mrs. Donlan
2     about information contained in this news article
3     concerning Mr. Matos?

9     Q. I brought this out to indicate
10     that she does not seem to be that interested in

20              MS. ANGELL:  Well, I've asked for an offer of
21     proof as to why Ms. Donlan's current employment status is
22     relevant to the litigation which has allegations of
23     events in 2000 and 2001, and so far I haven't heard.
24              MS. LARKINS:  Okay.  Well, if you think it
25     appropriate, you can instruct your client not to answer a
P 41
1     question.
11      Q.  Ms. Donlan, were you recently transferred
out of
12     Castle Park Elementary School?
13              THE WITNESS:  Do I answer that?
14              MS. ANGELL:  You want to talk to me for a
15     minute?
16              THE WITNESS:  Sure.
21              VIDEOGRAPHER:  Off the record at 2:13.
(18 minute Recess taken.)  
P 42
7          Q.  Did you ever tell Richard Werlin that your
8     brother was in law enforcement?
9          A.  Yes.
10          Q.  What was the situation when you told him that?
11          A.  I was in a meeting with Mr. Werlin and Mrs. Boyd
12     regarding a letter they had received from you that made a
13     reference to a brother of mine in law enforcement, and he
14     asked me if I had a brother who was in law enforcement
15     and I said yes.
16          Q.  Uh-huh.  Can you -- did he ask you -- what else
17     did he ask you at that meeting?
18          A.  He asked me if I had any knowledge of the letter
19     or the events described in the letter.
20          Q.  Do you recall how you felt at that meeting?
21          A.  Confused.
P 43
3     Did Rick Werlin tell you that he had
4     received a letter from me?
5          A.  Yes.
10          Q.  At this meeting between you and Mr. Werlin and
11     Gina Boyd, did Mr. Werlin say that he had received a
12     letter from me about you?
13          A.  About me?  No.
14          Q.  What did he say the letter was about?  Did he
15     say he had received a letter from me?
16          A.  Yes.
23          Q.  How was the meeting arranged?
24          A.  He called and asked me to come to the district
25     office to meet with him and with Gina Boyd.

[Many Castle Park Elementary teachers were livid
when the idea of a bilingual program was introduced
during the 1993-4 school year.  

1. Staff discussions were so out of control that James
Barron Stark was hired to teach the teachers how to
conduct a staff meeting without yelling.  

Unfortunately, the angry teachers just became
passive aggressive instead of openly
aggressive.  They took out their
anger on bilingual teachers and
bilingual kids.  

2. During the following six years, these
teachers instigated the dismissals of
two bilingual teachers in a school with
only four bilingual positions.  

3. Angry teachers also refused to team with bilingual
teachers.  Luci Fowers was the sole English-only
teacher who was willing to team.
Then-CVESD-Superintendent, Lowell Billings filled in
as one of the eleven principals who worked at the
school during the past eleven years.  Billings was so
weak (or so uninterested) that he went along with
whatever these teachers wanted.    Despite this,
Billings accepted an award from the California
Association of Bilingual Educators in 2007.  Perhaps
the award is best explained by the fact that
Lopez, a board member of CABE, is also a board
member of CVESD.  CVESD board members
apparently appreciate the way Lowell Billings has kept
quiet about their wrongdoing.

UPDATE: Bertha Lopez was indicted in
Jan. 2013 after becoming a trustee
Sweetwater Union High School District.

In 2005 the district realized that the
ruling teachers were out of control,
and transferred some of them out of
the school.  Robin Donlan and the
other transferred teachers were
outraged that they were given a small
taste of the medicine they had been
gleefully delivering in heavy doses to
others for years.  Playing the part of
victims, they became known as the
"Castle Park Five."]
SDER blog posts re Castle Park
Castle Park Five
teachers depositions
and stories

Robin Donlan deposition

Robin Donlan $7 m fraud

Peg Myers (CVE
President) deposition

Peg Myers and the SDUT
Other former Castle
Park Elementary

Gina Boyd (CVE President)

Maura Larkins (target of
Robin Donlan, Peg Myers
and Gina Boyd.
A. S. Report
L.W. Report
J.H. Report
PTA Embezzlement
Embezzlement cover-up
Castle Park Elem. PTA
Principal Ollie Matos
Principal Carlos Ulloa
Castle Park Elementary
Jim Groth
Castle Park Five
M. S. Report
Nikki Perez
OAH hearing
Castle Park news coverage
Peg Myers
CVESD Rptr blog posts re 2008
Blog posts
Web pages
Stephenie Parker-Pettit
and Peggie Myers talk to
the press
Stephenie Parker-Pettit new
See "page 99" below, at bottom of this
web page.
See "page 99" at bottom of this web page.
Law Enforcement
Perjury in America

Robin Donlan

Peg Myers

Gina Boyd  

(See also: more
perjury by Gina

Linda Watson

Maura Larkins
Deborah Garvin
perjury in this case