San Diego Education Report
San Diego
Education Report
Beta Healthcare Group
Beta Healthcare Council July 2012
BACK ROW left to right
Jim Raggio, CEO Lompoc Valley Medical Center
Wes Alles, Chairman of the Board El Camino Hospital
Wright L. Lassiter III, CEO Alameda County Medical Center
Jackie Garman, Vice President and General Counsel Children’s Hospital and Research Center Oakland
Ted E. Kleiter, Director Palomar Health
Edward Maring, Director Del Puerto Health Care District
Kathy Omachi, Board Member Sierra Kings District Hospital
FRONT ROW left to right
Tom Wander, CEO
BETA Healthcare Group
Leo P. Haggarty, Director
Pioneers Memorial Healthcare
Michael J. Wallace,
Washington Hospital
Healthcare System
Paul Lorenz, CEO
Ventura County Medical Center
Ken L. Meehan, Executive Vice
John Muir Health
Member Facilities and Medical Groups: A California JPA
A risk management joint powers authority (JPA) like BETA Risk Management Authority (BETARMA) enables district,
county, city, and nonprofit healthcare facilities to self-insure their liability claims and losses by pooling risks among
similar healthcare facilities. While traditional insurance companies also "pool" their risks, the JPA structure offers
four distinct benefits over other risk-financing mechanisms:
Members design and control the program free from California Department of Insurance regulation
The program pays no state premium tax
The program pays no state or federal income tax
The program has no shareholders to influence decisions
Governance: Ethics Training
On October 7, 2005, the Governor signed Assembly Bill No. 1234 which was chaptered as Government Code
Section 53234 through 53235.2. This law requires that if a local agency provides any type of compensation,
salary, or stipend to, or reimburses the expenses of, a member of its 'legislative body' (as that term is defined in
California Government Code Section 54952), that local agency's officials must receive training in ethics. Based on
BETARMA's policies regarding meeting fees and expense reimbursements, the BETA Council members are subject
to this law and shall receive at least two hours of training in general ethics principles and ethics laws every two
years. While not required by the law, it is BETARMA's policy to require its Senior Staff and (beginning in 2011) its
Branch Managers to receive at least two hours of ethics training every two years.
New BETA Council members, Senior Staff and Branch Managers are required to complete the ethics training no
later than one year from the first day of service to BETARMA. BETARMA provides information on training available
to meet the requirements of the law to the BETA Council, Senior Staff and Branch Managers at least once annually.
The ethics training certificates are provided below for the most recently completed two-year time period which
ended on December 31, 2010. As required, these records will be retained at least five years after completion of
the training.
Andrea Raub
Annie Herlik
April Johnson
Audrey Kauffman
R. Corey Grove
Debbie Verdream
Jackie Garman
Jim Raggio
Kathy Omachi
Ken L. Meehan
Leo P. Haggarty
Lisa Jackson
Michael J. Wallace
Michael Willard
Paul Lorenz
Ted E. Kleiter
Tom Wander
Wes Alles
BACK ROW left to right
Wes Alles, Board Chair
El Camino Hospital
Jackie Garman,
Vice President and General
Children’s Hospital and Research
Center Oakland
Tom Wander, CEO
BETA Healthcare Group
Ken L. Meehan, Executive Vice
John Muir Health
Wright L. Lassiter III, CEO
Alameda County Medical Center
Kathy Omachi, Board Chair
Sierra Kings District Hospital
Michael J. Wallace, Director
Washington Hospital Healthcare
Paul Lorenz, CEO
Ventura County Medical Center
Lawrence L. Foust,
Senior Vice President and
General Counsel,
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
FRONT ROW left to right
Leo P. Haggarty, Director
Pioneers Memorial
Healthcare District
James Raggio (Chairman),
Lompoc Valley Medical
Ted E. Kleiter, Director
Palomar Health
Lionel "Chad" Chadwick,
Hi-Desert Medical Center
Are doctors the new lawyers?
Or are lawyers (especially general counsels) the new doctors?
BACK ROW left to right
Annie Herlik, RN, J.D., CPHRM
Vice President
Risk Management
Corey Grove, J.D., CPCU
Vice President
Underwriting and Client Services
Andrea Raub, J.D.
Vice President
Claims Department
Michael Willard, CPA, CFP
Chief Financial Officer
Debbie Verdream
Human Resources Department
Audrey Kauffman, AIC
Vice President
Information Services Department
FRONT ROW left to right
April Johnson, J.D., CPHRM
Claims Manager
Tom Wander, ARM, CPCU, CEBS
Chief Executive Officer
Our Senior Staff